Ch 6-Poison

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Ch 6-Poison

***Blade’s POV***

--------------still in past--------------

I dropped to my knees and felt my eyes tearing up as I stared at the place I called my home.  My family, my species had won… but at a terrible price.  Black piles of sand was all over the ice along with… my family.  My friends.  The Elders. 

But they weren’t moving.  They weren’t breathing.  They just lay there… lifeless.

Being the age I was I thought they were just sleeping, that fight must have been exhausting.  I giggled and smiled as I ran up to them, stopping and skidding on the ice just before I hit them.

“Hehe.  Mama, Papa wake up.”  They didn’t.  “Mama, Papa the fights over you can get up now.”  I repeat hoping they would hear me this time.  When they didn’t reply I thought that they were really tired so stopped.

I spotted Clover who was another Elder, but I saw as a big sister since she always played with me when I was bored.  She was sleeping to and I wanted to play so I ran over to her to wake her up.

“Cwover!”  I cheered still not being able to pronounce her name.  “Cwover it’s me, Blade!  Can we play?”  She didn’t reply so I giggled and did what I always did to wake her up but made her a little mad.

I crept over to her paw on her right hind-leg which was her ticklish part!  When I got to it I blew a little ice on to and ran off to hide so we could start playing.  When she didn’t even flinch I started to get a bit nervous.  I did the same again only I didn’t hide.  She still didn’t move.

“Cwover?” I walked up to her head and lay down on the ice in front of her before nudging her head just a little.  She didn’t wake up, which is when I really looked at her and the rest of my village. 

Everyone was covered in deep claw marks some had even scraped the eye balls.  I stood up on all fours quicker than you could say ice and stared in absolute horror.  I turned back to my parents and saw that they were the worst.

“Mamaaa, Papaaa!”  I screeched as I ran over to them and constantly nudged and shook them to try and make them wake up.  To comfort me and tell me everything would be okay. 

But they didn’t.     

When I realised that everyone I had ever known.  Loved.  Played with, were dead I collapsed onto the ice and started to cry my eyes out.  A few minutes later I crawled over to my mother and father and lay in there lifeless arms still crying. 

I don’t know how many days, weeks months even I had spent crying over my deceased family but when I finally stopped crying I crawled back out of my mother’s arms.  My legs were a little stiff but I got them to work… eventually.  My back was to my parents so I turned around and did the first thing that came to my mind.  I spread my wings out and jumped up onto my hind-legs, my fore-legs looking prepared for attack.  My eyes were full of hate and anger as I did this and I also stretched out my tail and two sharp blades I had never seen before pierced though the skin of my tail but didn’t hurt. 

A small blue glow started to radiate from my chest but I didn’t care right now.  A moment later I roared at the top of my lungs a roar which sounded way too old for a two year old dragoness.  As I roared the bodies off my whole village raised of the ground and floated a few feet of the ground.  With one final ear piercing roar I slammed my fore-legs down onto the ice making it crack.  When I did that the glow in my chest spread everywhere and it was so bright that it blinded me for a few seconds. 

When the light had vanished I slowly opened my eyes only to see everyone turned to ice sculptures.  They were completely healed of their wounds and posed in positions that I had seen them at their happiest in my life.  I smiled to myself and teared up again as I looked at everyone with smiles on their faces some even laughing. 

(IN EDITING) When Will You Trust Me? (Jack Frost x OC)Where stories live. Discover now