Just A small Town

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"So we're here" my aunt laughed as play it again draws to a close and we pulled up into the only market. "This is uh...small" I chuckle. "Well darling we have about 100 people in this town no need to have a lot of stores" she laughed turning the ignition off. I hopped out of the truck and followed my aunt into the store. She smiled and greeted people as we walked by. She stopped a few times and introduced me. "Okay I'm gonna go shop for food me up at checkout in 20 minutes" she smiled. I nodded in agreement and navigated my way to the bathing suit aisle. I sifted and sorted through hangers and hangers untill setting eyes on the perfect one. A bikini style galaxy covered top. I instantly fell in love and knew it would look good. It was bright colored so I would need to tan for a little bit to make stand out. I smiled as I threw it over my arm and went to the hat aisle.

Immediately I found one that said "lake hair don't care" and smiled as it fit perfectly. I took it up to the cashier area and found my aunt waiting in line. "Hey sugar find everything you want" she asked. "Yep all right here" I said gesturing towards the hat and swimsuit. "Okay put it in the cart" she said. "What no I can pay for it mom gave me money" I said wincing. "Put it in cart I said" she said sternly. I put my items in the cart and looked around at everything untill we were checked out. "You ready?" She nudged at my collar as I laughed from her ridiculous sunglasses. "What are those!" I screeched. "Oh what there cool" she did duck lips. I laughed and laughed untill I reached the truck and even then I continued laughing. "Dont you have a pond in the back yard?" I questioned as we pulled up. "Sure do. Right in the back." She said. "Okay let's unload groceries" I snatched a gallon of milk and a couple bags. When the familiar roaring came to life and drew closer and closer. "Who is that?" I questioned grabbing my camera from the back seat. "Em this is Luke, Bryan and Scott" she said as the three dirtbikes sped into the driveway. The oldest of the 3 wrapped his arms around Shirley and kissed her forehead. "Wait this is the famous Scott!" I screeched my romantic side taking over. "I wouldnt say famous" he laughed taking me into a hug. "Nice to finally meet you Emilyn" he grabbing me and hugging me. "Please call me em" I laughed hugging him back. "Well Em this is Luke and Bryan" he said gesturing to the boys still on the dirtbikes. "Boys get up and help Shirley unload the grocerys" he eyed them. "Of course whats for dinner tonight?" Bryan asked. "Fried chicken, mash potatoes, greenbeans, rolls and chocolate pie" she smiled helping us unload the rest of the grocery's. "Yum" me and the boy named Luke smiled. His blue eyes complimented his shaggy brown hair and his toned body u could see through his shirt. He noticed me looking at him and winked instantly causing me to blush as I hid my face. "Shirley is it alright is Marie joins us for dinner tonight?" Luke asked my aunt. "Yea pumkin" she said. "Whose Marie?" I asked to no one in particular. "That hun is Luke girlfriend" Scott said. "More like whore-friend" I heard Luke grumble. "Shut up" Bryan instantly defended. "Bryan get over it. She had cheated on you twice with the same guy. She has no decent clothing. And when it rains her makeup rolls off" he slurred out. Bryan's face heated up hearing someone talking about his girl. "Now how about you boys show em the pond" Shirley said. "Let me go change" I said scurriying up the stairs. "And put that camera up" Bryan laughed. I forgot I had the camera in my hand and laughed. I changed into my new bathing suit and pulled some shorts on and my hair back in a ponytail. "You ready?" Bryan knocked and I turned around in a haste. "Wow did you take these?" Luke said appearing next to Bryan in the door way.

"Yea actually, every single one of them" I smiled pulling my hat on. "Your really good" Bryan said eying the wall. "Whose that?" Luke said pointing to my computer. I forgot my pictures had been on shuffle and turn around to see me and Nate hugging in front of my house. "Just an ex" I said slamming my computer down. "Lets swim" I said.


Hey sweethearts,

Arias here❤ hope your enjoying story so far. Yes Emilyn has an ex. And yes Aunt shirley has a boyfriend. Yes Bryan has a girl that no one likes. And yes Luke is single. So let's so how this turns out😘
Comment and vote beauties.


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