Head Over Boots

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I grip his hand softly as the lyrics start playing. His hands wrap around my waist and we begin swaying back and forth. I'm nothing but smiles when he lets me fall to the ground catching me and spinning me around. "Spin you around on some old dance floor" he begins mumbling in my ear. Our body's are loose but closely together swaying to the sound of music as it fills the room. Somehow there is more space than imagined and were moving here and there all about. My hearts beating to the sound of the rhythm filling my ears, when he dips me down lightly lifting me back up not touching me anymore than he should. The Gold tent of the room is bouncing from corner to corner painting the aroma of a ballroom when in reality its some ol' dinner that has been around for years. I look around and see people beginning to watch and i blush at the embarrassment. Brien either doesn't notice or choose to ignore the looks. As the song progressed I felt relaxed, and allowed a small smile to form on my lips.

He turned elegantly, his body in tune with the slow music. Yet, there was a sort of harshness to him, like he was someone who shouldn't be underestimated. I didn't quite care at the moment. Was it because I was falling in love with a boy I hardly knew? The warmth between us grew more powerful by the second. My heartbeat was growing steadily along with it. Our dance was perfect; everything from our breathing to how our feet moved stayed in sync. If, by the end of this dance my breath is taken away, I would know the exact reason why.I forgot about the fact that I had came her with Luke. He forgot about Maria. It was just us. 

Brien guided me across the dance floor as if we were in a dream. He kept his eyes on me, yet still, he knew exactly where to take me. Every moment, every angle seemed to be planned in advanced. Nothing felt forced; I literally thought I was floating.

"Brien" I whispered, "everyone is looking at us."

He squeezed my hand slightly and smiled. "Really," he chuckled softly, "I haven't noticed."

"Excuse me" Maria woke me from the thoughts of my head and stole Brien away but not before he thanked me for the dance and I was now in the placement of Luke.  That was when I decided to let ago. Let my worries, my pain, and sorrow go. Right here, right now I was living. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore; I allowed him to take me anywhere he pleased on this dance floor. He went right, I went right. He sped up, I sped up. We became one with the song, with the dance and with each other. We continue like that until we had to separate, though I was sad to be away from his warmth. When the song ended the audiences' applause filled our ears. I couldn't help but smile at him. In that very hour I wondered why I didn't see it before. 

"Your a great dancer" I whispered to Luke still holding onto his hand. "So are you. You and Brien received smiles from everyone" he smiled at me as he pulled my shirt out. "This was amazing" I say as were gathering our things and heading out into the cold. "It truly was" Luke smiles as we drive away. I drifted off into sleep in Luke's arm. His warmth and strength held me close and secured the feeling for me being able to fall asleep. And for that moment. That moment. Everything was okay.  

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