One & Only Thug

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Hey everybody, this is my first book on wattpad, so just bare with me. Once I start getting used to the book, it will get better.








Hazel POV

Well my name is Hazel, I’m 16 in the 11th grade. I’m 5’5. I’m light skinned with hazel eyes… of course and long honey brown hair. I have a nice body but I mean its not the nicest ever. I have a older brother named Aaron he’s 18, I stay with him because my parents died in a plane crash back home from New York. But anyways let’s get to the story. 

“Hazel, get tf up!”, my big headed brother says.

“Niqqa leave me alone, dang” 

I finally decided to get up and do my hygiene and get ready since it is my 1st day of school. After I showered for a good 30 minutes, lotioned up and picked out my outfit. I picked out my black OBEY shirt with OBEY in red letters with my black leggings and my black and red Jordan corcords. I was looking Gucci on my first day, took a few pictures and put them on Instagram and got a lot of likes and comments. 

I went downstairs to go get breakfast, and I smelt food and was like that can’t be my brother cause he never cook. He cooked me waffles, bacon, eggs, biscuits, sausage and grits. This niqqa cooked like it was our last meal. 

“hazel, I gotta go take care of business at the trap, so I’ll see you later” aaron said

“okay, be careful” and with that he left

If you haven’t figured out by now that my brother is like a drug lord, I don’t like it but I mean if it allows us to eat and have a nice house like this one then I can’t complain. Well I mind as while eat, I made me a plate and hurry up and eat cause I had to go get my best friend, Desire. I heard my phone ring and I known it was desire rushing me like always. Ughh….

*Phone Call*

Desire: where tf are you

Me: Good Morning to you too and im finna leave now don’t rush me 

Desire: hurry up 

Me: whatever, be there in 10

*Phone Call Ended*

I pulled up to Desire house and she rushing me and ishh and she ain’t even outside waiting. She finally came out, she take FOREVER!!! She had the same exact outfit as me but she had a white OBEY shirt, OBEY in black letters with black leggings and white and black concords. 15 minutes later, we pulled up to school.

*At School*

We was getting all types of looks, we got mean mugs from the girls and looks of lust from the guys. But we ain’t phasing them none. So we go to the office to get our schedules and we noticed we had the same classes together but 2, that was 3rd Period and 6th Period and we had lunch together so it’s all good. The first bell rang and me and desire started heading to our first class. 

*Desire POV*

Heyy everybody, well im desire obviously, im 16 going on 17 in a couple month. But me and Hazel have been friends since 2nd Grade, dang that’s a long time. Anyways I’m 5’5 same as Hazel. I’m like a mocha chocolate skin tone but I have brown eyes and dark brown hair. I have a nice body but I think Hazel has a better body than me. I have like a huge crush on Hazel’s brother but he will never go for me cause am 16 but you know what could happen. I stay with my mom and younger sister but my mom is working most of the time so she can provide for me and my sister. My dad left like 2 months ago and like I don’t know where he is but sometimes I hope he comes back and he is okay cause it is so depressing without him. Anyways enough with me, you’ll learn more about me in the story. 

*Hazel POV* 

As me and Desire were to Mrs. Henry class, she started to talk to me about the new boy named Jeremiah, she is sexy af and has low cut curls that are so adorable and has hazel eyes. The only bad thing about it, is that he is a thug and I don’t do thugs they are just heart brokers and a waste of time. Next thing you know he is walking into the class. Mrs. Henry introduced him.

Mrs. Henry: class we have a new student and his name is Jeremiah, everybody say Hi

Class: Hi Jeremiah

Every since he came into class he has been starring at me and I ain’t gon lie cause I been starring at him too. He was just so gorgeous. He came and sat next to me and I couldn’t help but stare at him even more. 

Jeremiah: Hey shawtyy

Was he talking to me, I hate he called me that cause last time I checked my name was Hazel but it was just so cute. 

Hazel: umm.. my name is Hazel not shawty

*Jeremiah POV*

The girl next to me Hazel or whatever her name is she is sexy af got a niqqa heart racing and ish. I see she be starring at me and stuff but I mean im starring too. Im kinda feeling her though on the cool. I mean I know most of y’all think that a thug can’t have feeling but I aint most thugs though. But anyways im Jeremiah. I’m 6’0, the sexiest niqqa alive best believe that lol. i'm 17 years old in the 11th grade. I have a low cut curls, light skinned with hazel eyes. I mean I could get any girl in this school that I wanted but I mean the only girl I want right now is….Hazel. She got me falling for her fast and I just started today. .










Well that is the first chapter, I know it was kinda boring but it is my first book and I will promise to make the next chapter better!! Just tell what you think of it and what you want to happen next. Thank you

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