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Alexis's POV



My alarm clock goes off and makes me groan. The stupid thing almost gave me a heart attack. I roll out of bed and grab my phone off the charger. It's 9:00 now, and it takes about 20 minutes to get to the hospital, and I want to be at least 10 minutes early. So that means I have about 2 and a half hours to get ready. I walk over to the bathroom and brush my teeth, comb out my frizzy hair, and apply some light makeup. I use the toilet and leave, turning out the light and shutting the door. I strut over to Blakes bed and grab my outfit and throw it on, making sure to smooth out all of the wrinkles. I throw my hair up into a twisted bun on the back of my head and walk over to my mini fridge. I grab some water and a granola bar from the top of the fridge and relax on the couch.

I flip on the tv and check my text messages. 5 from Kailee, 2 from Blake, and 4 from Loren. I check Blakes first, since he's away.

B: Hey Lex, good luck with your interview.
B: Text me when it's over and tell me how it goes.
A: Ok. I will. Ttyl.
I then flip over to Lorens messages.
L: Hey, good luck today.
L: Tell me how it goes later!
L: Hey, are you and Kailee fighting about something?
L: Well I love ya girly, I'm going to get some coffee. Tata.
A: Kailee and I are fine. And thanks Loren. Love ya too.
Lastly, I check Kailees.
K: Lex, I'm sorry, ok? I didn't want anyone to know.
K: I don't like him. He kissed me.
K: Good luck today :)
K: Talk to me after your meeting if you want. We can go for coffee or something.
K: I still love ya.

Ugh. I don't feel like texting her back right now. I check the time and see its 11:00. I walk over to Blakes bed and grab my heels and my handbag, throwing my heels on and pacing around the room, trying to keep my balance in these things.

I walk back to the bathroom and throw on some light pink lipstick before checking the time again. 11:20.

I walk out to my car after locking up the dorm and throw my handbag in the passenger seat. I haven't driven this car since that night when Blake and I had that fight. I shudder and put the key into the ignition. I drive away and flip on the radio. The song Wrong comes on by Max, and this happens to be my favorite song. I hum along with it and pull onto the highway.


"Hello there, how can I help you?" A dark skinned lady asked behind the desk.

"Hi there. I'm Alexis Maine. I'm here for my interview. I think I talked to you on the phone." I say, smiling.

"Oh, yes. Follow me please." She says, grabbing the phone and telling someone that I'm here.

She leads me down a long hall and turns to a room that says Conference above the door. I smile and thank her and she walks away. I take a deep breath before proceding to open the door. I walk in and am immediately overwhelmed by the smell of paper and coffee. The room has one large rectangular Mahanoy table with about 10 chairs on each side.

"Hello there. You must be Ms. Maine." A man says from behind me. "I'm Dustin."

I whip around and am greeted by a tall man in a dark blue suit with a matching tie. He's got ginger hair and bright green eyes, and he's got a thick southern accent.

"Hi. Yes I am." I say, holding out my hand. He shakes it before gestering to a chair. I follow him to the table, taking a seat on the opposite side of him.

"So. Ms. Maine. Why do you want to work here?" He asks.

"Well, my parents were doctors and I always loved being in the hospital. I think this environment would be perfect for me." I say, smiling.

"Well that's great. What kind of attitude would you bring to the team?" He asks, bracing himself against the table.

"I would bring a positive, happy, and helpful attitude." I say.

"That's wonderful. I have no further questions. I will make sure to call you either today or tomorrow with my answer." He says standing.

I stand and smile. "Thank you so much!" I say, reaching out my hand again. We shake hands and he escorts me out of the hospital.

"Thank you again!" I say, waving.

"No, thank you!" He says, waving back.

I race back to my car and drive back to campus with a smile in my face. I feel really good about this job.


Once I'm home I change into some black sweatpants and another one of Blakes Hollister shirts that still
smells like Hollister. I watch some tv and then my phone rings. I run to where it is on charge and see who's calling. It's the hospital!

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello. Is this Ms. Maine?" It's Dustin.

"Yes sir it is." I say.

"Ok. I've got great news!" He says.

"I can't wait to hear it!" I say.

"Well, you've got the job!" He says.

"Really! That's great! Thank you so much!" I say.

"You're welcome! You will start tomorrow night at 9:00. See ya then!" He says.

"Ok! Thank you!" I say before hanging up. I throw my phone on the bed and run around my room and squeal. I can't believe I got the job!

I throw myself on the bed and call Blake.

"Hello?" Blakes deep voice answers.

"Hey." I say.

"How'd the interview go?" He asks.

"Great. I got the job!" I say.

"Omg, Lex, that's great! When do you start?"

"Tomorrow night at 9." I say.

"Ok. I will be home tomorrow around noon so we'll have plenty of time to hang out." He says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Ok. See ya then." I say.

"Alright Lex. See ya." He says, ending the call.

I sqeaul. Ahh, life's finally working out.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this! Vote for more! -Kaitlyn💕

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