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Alexis's POV


Today's the day. I finally get to bring my bundles of joy home. Blakes been really busy while I've been at the hospital, buying stuff for the both of them. Extra diapers, another crib, car seat, bottles, pacifiers, clothes, bibs, blankets, and more. He said that separating the twins would be a bad idea, so we're letting them share a room. Somehow he has managed to set up the whole room in just 2 days. I mean, we had it set up for one baby, but he had to put up the crib and everything else in just 2 days. He went out and bought Ash a bunch of cute, girly things and Ryder a bunch of manly, boyish things. It's the cutest thing seeing his face light up when he talks about what he got the twins.

I've had so many visitors, it's crazy. First came Loren and Kailee, of course. The were as suprised as I was when I found out I was having twins, but of course they loved them both equally. Next came some of Blakes friends, Alec, Shawn, and Luke. They said they don't really like babys but ours were likeable. I laughed at that. At least they thought they were, quote, "likeable". Then came Blakes mother and father. I've never met them, suprisingly, but they were glad to finally meet me and their grandchildren. They said that Ash looked like me and Ryder looked like Blake, and I smiled. Everyone's been saying that all day. I honestly am so tired and hungry. I'd kill for a burger and shake, you have no idea.

I'm so glad that I finally get to be alone with my baby's and be home. After we check out of the hospital, Blake pushes me in a wheelchair to the car. I can't quite walk yet, my stomach and legs hurt. And it's easier to hold the babys like this, anyways. Blake grabs Ash and straps her into a pink and frilly car seat, then grabs Ryder and straps into a green car seat. Then he grabs the hospital bag and throws it into the trunk. He runs back over to me and helps me into my own seat and runs to the drivers seat. I'm sitting in the back with my babys, who are both sound asleep. Ash is sucking her little thumb, and it's the cutest thing. I smile at her and fix her little hat on her head. Blake bought it, it's a little pink and white stripped beanie with pink and white fluff at the top. He got Ryder a matching one, except Ryders has two different shade of blue.

Blake pulls out of the parking lot and drives down the road, being extra careful of the babys in the back. We finally reach home and I smile. I finally get to introduce our home to our entire family. I grab Ash and Blake comes around the car and grabs Ryder and we bring them into the house. Ash wakes up and opens her sparkling blue eyes blinks a few times. A little smile plays on her small pale pink lips and she throws her little fists into the air. Ryder then opens his Emerald green eyes and blinks. He looks confused and his little lip starts to quiver. He starts to bawl and I run to where he sits in his car seat in Blakes hand. I hand Ash to Blake and pull Ryder out of his car seat, holding him and rocking on my feet.

"Shh, Ryder. It's ok. You're alright." I coo, and his crying slowly dies into a slight whimper. I kiss him on his forehead and walk around the house with him in my arms. I start to hum a lullaby to him and he smiles. I slowly walk around the house, showing him his room, the kitchen, Blake and my bedroom, the backyard, and everything else. He's content, and walking makes him happy. Blake appears at my side when I go into the living room with Ash in his arms. She knocked out and Blake wrapped a pink, fluffy blanket around her. She sucking on her thumb again and Blake looks at her and smiles. He's so happy that he has his little girl.

When we were still at the hospital, I had asked the doctor how nobody caught that I was pregnant with twins. She had told me that Ryder had been hiding behind Ash, and they couldn't see him. And my stomach was the size of a normal pregnancy, so they didn't expect anything else. But when I went into labor, Ryder flipped around and that's when they caught him. And I couldn't be happier.

I walk into the nursery, which Blake had set up and I hadn't seen yet. One wall is pink with a white crib placed against it, with cute little pink blankets placed neatly inside. The other wall is blue, with another matching white crib. But instead of pink blankets, they are all a baby blue color. The back wall, which has a window, has a white changing table with drawers for diapers and such. In one corner of the room is a white rocking chair with pink and blue blankets strung across the top. I smile and rub my nose against Ryders.

"Welcome home, baby." I croak out, fresh tears flowing down my pink cheeks. I walk over to the closet, which half of is filled with the cutest, pink frilly clothes, and the other is filled with cute, blue clothes. I pull out a cute white and navy blue sailor outfit and change Ryder into it, and smile at him. I pull out my phone and take a quick selfie with him, and he giggles. I melts my heart, seeing him giggle. I post it on my Facebook and everyone comments about how cute he is.m, and where's Ash? I say she's with Blake, and I walk back downstairs to grab her.

"Where are you headed?" Blake asks, getting up and exchanging babies with me.

"I'm going to change her into something cute and take a selfie with her." I say, walking back upstairs.

I hear Blake laugh and then say sweet nothings into Ryders ear.

I change her into a white onesie that says "Daddys little princess" with a little pink tiara to the side; of course Blake bought that, and place a little pink tutu around her waist. She smiles and I take a selfie with her, and she sticks her tounge out at the camera. I laugh and post it online and everyone freaks out, especially the people that didn't know I had twins. I smile and hold her and kiss her forehead. Life is perfect.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating, I've been kinda down latley and lost some motivation. But I'm back and I'll update as regularly as I can. Ilygsm😊💕 -Kailtyn

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