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Alexis's POV


It's been about 6 months since he's left. The Twins birthday is tomorrow, and I haven't heard anything from him since he wrote me that letter. I hope he's ok.

Ashley's screams wake me from my restless sleep, and makes me jump out of my bed and sprint down the hallway. There she stands, little hands grabbing the outside of her crib, shaking with little tears falling down her chubby cheeks. She looks at me with the saddest look and mumbles "momma" and stretches her arms out to me. I smile and walk over to her, picking her up and kissing her forehead.

"Bad dream?" I ask her, kissing her head again. She replys by stuffing her face into my shirt and holding onto my neck like I'm her life support.

I guess bad dreams were a common thing for all of us last night. I had one myself. It was about 2 or 3 in the morning and I had just got done feeding Ryder for the 2nd time that night. He kept crying all through the night, so I guess he was having a bad dream. But anyways, after I finally got to go back to bed, I fell asleep instantly. Then the dream started. There were 2 parts to this dream, and none of them made any sense, but it scared me.

The first part was about my parents. It was like they didn't know I was there, like they could see right through me. We were in the living room, and my mom held her baby in her arms. She snarled down at my father, who laid helplessly on the wood flooring. My mother set her baby on the couch, and spit on my father.

"Do you know why I hate you so much?" She asked, cocking her head slightly to the right.

Tears were streaming down his face, and he had a wild look in his eyes. "No." He choked out.

She smiled down at him, and licked her lips. "Well, for one thing, you gave me Alexis. I hate her. She's just like you." She spat, stepping on my father's chest.

My father is a strong man, he could easily push her off of him. He was letting her do this to her.

"I'm sorry, hun. But I love Alexis." He said, and he flew off the ground and knocked her into a bookcase that was laying against the wall, knocking all of its contents on the floor. And when I say flew, I literally mean flew. He had sprouted wings, black and long, and his face had changed into a cross between him, a panther, and a lion.

I screamed and backed into a corner. My father started to lick his lips and look at my mother like she was a plate of the most tender steak in all of North America. He snarled and I saw bits of foam rushing out of his mouth, which now was like a big, gaping hole with rows of pointy teeth.

My mother's eyes grew to the size of golf balls and tried to push my father away from her.

"Who are you?!" She screamed, trying to release the grip my father had on her.

He smirked and cocked his head to the right, just as my mother had done before.

"What am I? What are you? You are a monster!" My father roared, biting into my mother's neck.

She screamed and tried to knock my father off of her, but he wouldn't let go. She then crumpled to the floor and my father stood over her, smiling triumphantly.

"That's for Alexis." He said, spitting on her, and flying out the door.

The second dream was about Blake, and it made me wake up with tears in the creases of my eyes.

Blake was in combat, fighting against someone. He was hiding behind a beat up truck, his face caked in with light brown mud, and his clothing torn. He had his M16 in his hands, loaded, and he was ready to shoot. He glanced around, but I could tell no one was around. He rose from his crouching position and started to tiptoe his way across the battle field when someone screamed from atop a building. Blake looked around, looking for the source of the noise, when he saw it. It was a woman who had made the noise, and an enemy man was holding her out from a ledge of a 10 story building. She had in her arms a small child, about the age of 1 or 2, who was wailing as loud as his mother.

"Help!" The woman yelled, looking right at Blake. He didn't know what to do, so he ran right under the mother and her child.

"Watch your head!" Blake screamed, and she ducked her head. Blake aimed his gun at his captives head and shot, the lady and her baby falling ten story's, right on Blake. He held his arms out and prayed, and the lady and her child landed on Blake. He crumpled to the ground and Blake and the woman were killed instantly, but the child lived.


I was hanging streamers around the house for Ash and Ryders party when I heard a knock on the door. The party wasn't until 5 o'clock tonight and it was only 3, so people shouldn't be showing up. I glanced out the window and saw a long, white limo outside of my house with the American flag on the side. Oh no. I rushed to the door and flew it open, already knowing what they're going to tell me. At the door stood two tall men if pristine navy blue uniforms, with a white sailors hat and matching white shoes. They were Navy men. I smiled politely at the two men, and they returned the gesture.

"How may I help you?" I said, gesturing my hand towards the inside of my house.

They smiled and the one on the right looked a little flustered. "Oh no, miss. We won't be staying. But we would just like to let you know that your husband, Blake, has been doing a really great job serving with us. So we decided to give him some time off, a little vacation, if you will." The man said, his green eyes glinting with happiness.

I looked at them, confusion stirring in my blue green eyes. "What do you mean? Is he here?" I ask.

The two men look at each other and smile, and the limo door opens again. I stare at the man who exists, and he looks nothing like my Blake. He looks better than before. He looks stronger and healthier, and he has a cute little haircut. He's wearing a gray shirt that says 'ARMY' in bold black letters and green cam caprees, and I can't help my self. I start to cry and I run into his outstretched arms.
"Blake!" I wail, jumping on him and wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Lex!" He mumbles in my hair, kissing my forehead. I start to sob, and so does he.

"You're okay." I say, making him look up at me.

"Of course I am." He says. "I told you I would be."

I smile and kiss him, and the two men stand there and watch us, smiling. I jump down from Blake and drag him to the door.

"Thank you! Thank you for bringing Blake back!" I say, hugging the two men. The flinch but rub my back soothingly.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Blake Morgan." The man on the left says. I grin and wave goodbye as they walk back to their limo and get in. I swirl around and kiss Blake again before dragging Blake inside. The babies were in the living room sitting on the floor watching TV when Blake walked in. Alexis had just learned how to walk, and she got up and hobbled over to Blake.

"Daddy!" She wailed, running to him. He grinned and picked her up, swirling her around.

"Princess!" Blake said, kissing Ash om her forehead. She giggled and snuggled her head into the crook of his neck. Ryder looked up at Blake suspiciously and got up, his chubby legs shaking while he stumbled to Blake.

"Oh my god." I whispered, smiling. Those were Ryders first steps. Blake grinned and picked up Ryder with his free arm and kissed his head.

"Hey buddy! Your first steps! That's amazing!" Blake said, and Ryder started sucking his thumb. I grinned looked around the house. Crap. The partys only halfway set up.

"Sorry to ruin the fun, but I gotta start making the party decorations again." I say, walking into the kitchen. Blake set Ash and Ryder on the floor and walked with me into the kitchen and started hanging streamers.

"It's better to do things together." He said, grinning.


Hey guys! Omg I can't even tell you how long this took me omg😂 but I hope you like this! Remeber to comment and vote❤ - Kaitlyn

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