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Alexis's POV


5 Months Later

I groan and roll out of bed. My stomach is so huge. Like, I never expected it to get this big. I mean, my due date is in two days, but still. I can barley wear any of my clothes and the pain in my feet is almost unbearable. I hobble over to the bathroom for the fifth time this morning, the little brat likes the jump on my bladder like a trampoline. When we went to our doctors appointment a while back to find out the gender we told her we didn't want to know. I wanted to know, but Blake didn't. So she only told us that I was healthy, and that my baby is, too.

Once I'm done using the bathroom, I hobble back out and hold my stomach. This weird, sharp pain kicks in a I start to cry, it hurts.

"Blake." I mumble in between my sobs.

"Lex? What's wrong?" He says, getting up from our king sized bed. We finally bought that house, thank god. We don't have to live on campus and the baby's coming soon, very soon I might at, so I'm glad we got it when we did.

I squeeze my belly and rock back and forth, the pain slowly subsiding. I look him in the eye and smile. "I think I'm going into labor." I say, water rushing out from between my legs.

Blakes eyes grow wide and I curse under my breath. "My water just broke." I say, my voice hardly a whisper. Blake starts running around the house frantically, grabbing clothes, shoes, baby items, and food. I've had a bag packed for weeks, so I don't know why he's grabbing everything. He comes out of my closet with two of my dresses in his hand.

"Which one? Royal blue ball gown or red party dress?" He asks, his face serious. I start to laugh and he looks confused.

"To give birth in, I'd have to choose the red party dress." I say, giggling. He smiles and throws it into a huge pile at the front door.

"Ok, I have clothes, shoes, food, diapers, bottles, clothes for the baby, soda, slippers for you, an-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"Woah there, cowboy. I already have two bags packed. One for me and one for the baby." I say, grabbing the bags from where they sit on the kitchen counter.

He looks down and blushes. "What about your party dress?" He asks, completely serious.

I sigh. "Honey, I don't need a party dress to give birth in." I say, walking out to the car with my bags. He runs up to me and grabs the bags and throws them in the back seat. I struggle getting into the passenger seat because my belly hits the airbag thing before I even sit down.

"Dang it! I can't even get in my car." I say. I can't get in the backseat because there's a car seat back there and there's no room. I groan and try to squeeze myself into the tight space.

"You ok?" Blake asks, already in his seat.

I grimance and fight back tears, I've been really emotional latley. "I'm fine." I say, finally slamming the door shut. "Just go." And he drives toward the hospital.


I've been in this little bed for at least 5 hours. I'm in a papery white robe and this band is around my stomach keeping the baby's heart rate. I smile and lean back. I'm going to have my baby today. I start to feel another contraction and Blake rushes over to me and grabs my hand.

"You're ok. Just breath." He coos into my ear. I fight against the restraints on my legs and small tear escape my closed eyelids.

"I just want it out." I complain.

"I know, baby. Just relax. It'll be over soon." He coos, and I smile. He's going to such a great dad.

The midwife comes in my room and smiles. Her names Violet, and she's really nice. She has bright blonde hair and dancing brown eyes. She looks around the age of 20 or 21, on my only a few years older than me.

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