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Alexis's POV
Two weeks later
I wake up and sit up abruptly. A wave of dizziness and nausea runs over me and I sprint to the bathroom just in time to hold my hair back and deliver the remains of my dinner to the porcilan bowl. Blake runs in and grabs my hair, rubbing my back with his other hand.

"Are you ok?" Blake asks.

I reply with another deposit to the bowl of doom. I start to cry and rub my stomach.

"I'm ok." I say through sobs. I flush the toilet and get up, holding my stomach. Maybe something I ate last night didn't settle well in my stomach. Luckily it's Saturday so I don't have to go to class, so I lay back down in my bed. Blake walks over to me with a glass of water and two aspirin and sits them on the side of the bed.

"Thank you." I croak out.

"You're welcome." He says, kissing my forehead. "I'll leave you to rest, call me if you need me." He says, shrugging on a coat and grabbing his keys.

"Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up.

He walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed. "Don't worry about that. Don't worry though, I'll be back soon. I promise."

He says, smiling. I pull back and lay back down. "Ok." I say, closing my eyes and lulling myself back to sleep.

I wake up and run to the bathroom again, depositing more food into the porcelain thrown but not feeling royal what so ever. I sigh and rub my belly while I sit on the floor, trying to come up with ideas that could've caused this.

What did I eat last night? I went to the cafe on campus and had a mocha and a salad with chicken. I eat that all the time and I have never reacted like this until today. Wait. What if- No. It can't be.

I grab my phone and go to Google, typing a few little words into the search bar. I click the first site that pops up and read it's contents. My eyes widen with each detail that I read, eventually throwing my phone out of the bathroom and tying my hair back.

My belly starts to feel a little better and I get up and walk to retrieve my phone from where it lays at the foot of my bed. I grab it and sit on my bed, taking the aspirin Blake left for me and laying back down.

I open my contact list and choose Kailees number and hit call. It rings three times before she picks up.

"Hello?" She says in her singsong voice.

"Kailee, I need your help." I croak into the phone.

"Lex, are you ok? You don't sound good."

"I don't know. I just threw up three times for no reason. Can you do me a favour?"

"Of course! What is it?"

"Kailee, I need you to go buy me a pregnancy test."

"A pregnancy test?! Are you sure?" She asks.

"I don't know what else this could be. And Blake and I kinda, ya know." I say, blushing.

"Oh. I'll go get one from CVS. I'll be over in 15."

"Ok. Thank you so much, K."

"You're welcome. I'll see ya soon."

"Ok. Bye." I say, ending the call. I lie on my back and cry. I cannot be pregnant. I'm only 19, and I'm still in college. Where would the baby go? What would Blake think? Blake. Crap! I've gotta keep this from him for as long as possible. I won't be around him for long periods of time, and I'll try to act natural. If I am pregnant. I don't even know if I am, so why am I even freaking out? Chill, Lex. Chill.

I get up and pace around the room, waiting for Kailee to show up. About five minutes later, Kailee bursts through the door with a bag bulging with items.

"What all did you buy?" I ask.

"Well, I didn't know what brand to get so I got three. And I also got tissues and chocolate."

"Oh. Pass me the tests." I say. She hands me three boxes and I take one out of each. I go into the bathroom and follow the rules on the back of one of the boxes and set a timer on my phone for three minutes. I pace around the bathroom, praying that it's not what I think.

I open the bathroom door to see Kailee also pacing around the room.

"Well?" She asks, nervously.

"I don't know. I have to wait three minutes." I reply, shaking with nervousness.

She walks over to me and hugs me and I sob into her shoulder.

"Kailee, I can't be a mom yet. What about school, and Blake? What is Blake gonna think? Is he going to hate me? Is he not going to want to be a father to this baby?" I sob.

"Shh. Lex, we don't even know if you're pregnant. So chill. And even if you are, I'm sure he'll understand. It's mostly his fault anyways. You were a virgin, you didn't know. And he's clearly had experince, so he should've known better." She coos into my ear.

She's right. Why did I let this happen? Ugh, I'm so frigging stupid.

"I just don't want to ruin this baby's life because of one stupid mistake I made." I say.

"Look. Even if you are pregnant it's not that big of a deal. You will be a great mom. I know you will. So just relax." She says.

She's right again. Ever since I was six I wanted to be a mom. I had three baby dolls because I wanted three kids. I had two girls and one boy. The girls were Emma and Riley and the boy was Hunter. I had a three little strollers that I brought with me everywhere because I thought they were real. I thought I would be a bad mother to leave my baby's at home. I fed them every hour with a bottle and gave them each an bath every night in the sink in the bathroom. I changed their clothes and diapers and held them and loved them like they were real. One time I brought them to the park and reserved three baby swings and pushed them for hours, my own mother watching me. She came over to me and helped me push them.

"Alexis, one day you're going to be a great mother." She said, smiling.

"I hope so mommy. I want to grow up and be just like you!" I grin at her and show her my two missing teeth in the front of my mouth. She laughs.

"I love you, Alexis. Don't ever forget that." She says, brushing stray hair out of my face that escaped my ponytail.

"I love you too, mommy." I say, turning back too take care of my babys.

My phone alarm draws me out of me flashback and I freeze. I can't do this. I start to sob.

"You can do this. Also, those tests aren't always accurate. You can always go to the doctor if you have suspicions." She says, smiling and pushing me towards the bathroom. I grip the handle and jerk it open, walking to the sink and flipping all three over at the same time whilst closing my eyes. I open my eyes and read the back of the box to see what code on the stick was. My eyes grow wide and I grip my heart.


Haha Hey guys! I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger haha. Any who, I don't have wifi at the moment so I can't update a whole lot. Once I get wifi full time, I will tho. I just moved to a beach house so that's why. Love u guys so muchhh. Vote for more!!💕 -Kaitlyn

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