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Alexis's POV


I wake up and scream. Blake is on top of me!

"Blake! You're home!" I yell.

"Hey, Lex." He says, chuckling.

I free myself from under his weight and throw my arms around his shoulders.

"How was your parents house?" I ask, scooting myself next to him.

"Boring. All they talked to me about was school." He said, sighing.

"Aw, I'm sorry." I say.

"It's alright I'd rather be here anyways." He says, smiling.

I smile and get up from the bed. I go to the closet and search through a bunch of junk to find the perfect outfit. Then I found it. It was a navy blue and white stripped dress with a black cardigan. I paired that with some red heels and a black watch and handbag. I go to my jewelry box on my dresser and pick out matching red dangling earrings and lay it all out on my bed.

"I'm getting in the shower. Don't touch my outfit." I say, smirking.

"Alright, sunshine." He says, grinning.

I grab my robe and some underwear before locking myself in the bathroom and sighing. I can't believe I start my job today! And Blakes home finally! I know he was only gone 2 days but I missed him. The dorm was getting lonely. I slip off my pajamas and jump in the already warm shower. I wash my hair and body and shave afterwards. I wash my face then rinse off and turn off the faucet. I grab my towel and dry off, tying iy up in my hair afterwards. I throw on my underwear and bra and tie my robe around my waist and walk out. Blakes no where to be found so I guess he left. I look around the room making sure no one's here before stripping off my robe and slipping on my dress. I shrug on the cardigan and attach my watch to my wrist. I left my shoes in the closet so I walk in there to get them. I open the closet and am throw back by two bodies.

"AGH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CLOSET?" I yell at the two bodies.

"Suprise!" Loren and Kailee both yell.

"Ugh." I say, getting up. "All I wanted was my shoes." I mumble under my breath, walking to the couch.

"Lex, I need to talk to you. I'm really sorry about before. Can you please forgive me?" Kailee asks.

I sigh. "It's fine. I don't hold grudges." I say.

She smiles and let's out a puff of breath. "Thank goodness. I can't loose you, Lex." She says, smiling.

"I can't loose you either, K." I say. "Now why we're you hiding in my closet?" I ask.

Loren smiles. "Well, since you got the job, we wanted to come over and do your hair and makeup before you left!" She squeals. They both grab my hands and pull me into the bathroom, sitting me on the toilet.

"Alright, we're first going to do your makeup while your hair dries. What kind of look are you going for?" Kailee asks, looking through my makeup.

"Well, I want classy but not too much. Maybe so light mascara and eyeliner and a little foundation and contouring?" I say.

"Perfect!" She squeals, clapping her hands.

I smile lightly and let them both go to work on my face, brushes and makeup flying everywhere. "Guys, I forgot to ask. Where's Blake?" I ask.

"Oh. We can't tell you that. It's a suprise." They say together.

"Ok?" I say like a question and they both laugh.

"Don't worry, it's a good suprise." Loren says.

After they do my makeup, I take the towel off my head and my hairs dry. I brush it out and let them get to work using a curling iron to give me some natural looking curls. After its all over with, I look in the mirror and smile. I look good for once. It's 8:00 now, so I gotta get ready to leave. I slide on my heels and put in my earrings and grab my purse which has my wallet, keys to the dorm, chapstick and my phone. I smile at the girls and hug each of their necks.

"Good luck!" They both say, waving to me as I leave.

"Love you guys!" I yell back at them.

"Love you too girly!" They yell back. I unlock my car and put the keys in the ignition. Time to go.


Work was so tiring. But also full of excitment. Two people were in labor and one was in a car accident. Everyone was ok, thank God, but other than that nothing really happened. I unlock the door to the dorm and walk in and am overwhelmed by the smell of strongly scented candles.

"Blake?" I yell.

"One sec!" He yells from the bathroom.

I kick off my shoes and lay on my bed, completely exhausted. Blake emerges from the bathroom with a smirk on his face.

"Hey sweetheart. How was your first day?" He asks, climbing onto my bed and laying next to me.

"Great. I'm just really tired." I reply, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Ya know, Lex, the best way to relive stress is to bang someone." He says smirking. Oh my god. He did not just say that.

"I know that you wanna bang me, sweetheart." He says, climbing on top of me.

"Um no." I say.

He starts kissing me, leaving a trail up and down my neck. He unzips my dress and slides it off, and then taking off his shirt. What is happeneing? He kisses down my stomach and back up.

"Do you wanna do this?" He asks.

"I dunno." I croak out. I'm a virgin and I think the best person to lose it to would be Blake. He kisses me some more and then the night turns into a blur of pain and discomfort, but also love and happiness.
Hey guys! I hope you like it! I am not going to make a "love" scene bc I'm just not lol. I hope yall don't think this is going too fast butttttt the big thing is coming in the next few chapters :)

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