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Alexis's POV


I call Kailee into the bathroom to make sure I'm reading them right. Two of them were positive and one was negative. I'm so confused and I don't know what to think.

"You need to see a doctor before you tell anyone else." She said, glaring at the back of the package and the stick. "I know a great OBGYN you can go to. Here, I'll call her real quick and see if she can squeeze you in. Is that ok?" She asks, pulling out her phone.

"Yeah, go ahead." I reply, holding my belly. There could be a person in here. Or maybe there's not. I honestly don't know what to think. Kailee starts to talk to the lady and I walk out of the bathroom and lay on the couch sipping some ginger ale, trying to calm my stomach. I grab the remote from the coffee table and flick on the TV. Return to Amish was on and I love that show. SPOILER ALERT Honestly I think Abe and Rebecca are doing the right thing by ignoring Sabrina. I mean, she was on drugs and they have kids. That's not really someone you want to expose your kids to. SPOILER ALERT OVER.

Kailee walks out of the bathroom with a smile on her face. "She said she can get us in now. Come on, get dressed and let's go." She says, grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

I groan but reluctantly obey. I walk into the closet and pull out some Nike joggers and a Starbucks tee and go into the bathroom to change. After I change, I slip on my black on white Adidas All Stars and grab my phone, keys, and wallet.

"Can we take your car? I don't feel like driving. I'm too nervous." I ask Kailee and she grins.

"Of course." She purrs. Her car is a fiery red Mustang convertible with leather interior and a wicked stereo system. Everyone loves riding in her car with the hood down and the bass cranked up. I grin at the thought. But then I remeber where we're going and start to shake again. Kailee looks over at me and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"You're gonna be fine, Lex. Chillax." She says.

"Ok." I say. We reach her car and I jump in the passenger seat, pulling out my phone to text Blake.

A: Going out for a bit with Kailee. Be back later.
B: Ok. I'll be at the dorm in about 10. Be safe.
A: Always. Ttyl.

I tuck my phone back into my pocket just as Kailee puts the keys in the ignition and revs the engine.

"Ready, chika?" She asks.

"Yea. Let's go get this over with."

She replys by speeding out of the parking lot and glides onto the road, speeding pass cars and reaching the office in under five minutes.

"Dang girl, you drive fast." I say through a fit of giggles.

"You know it. Let's go sign you in." She replys, opening the door and stepping out into the chilly air. It's just starting to turn Fall here, and it's kinda nice. It's September and I'm not missing the heat one bit. It got so hot this Summer and I felt like I was dying. I hate Summer.


"Hello there! You must be Alexis!" A lady in purple scrubs with little pink, blue, and yellow hearts walks into the room. "I'm Dr. Ree." She says, holding her hand out.

I grab it and shake. "Nice to meet you." I say.

"You as well. So let's get right on into business. Would you like Kailee to step out into the hall for a few minutes while I ask you some questions?" She asks, gestering to Kailee who's in the corner of the room in a chair glued to her phone not paying the slightest bit of attention.

"Nah. She's fine." I reply with a smile. "I don't even think she's listening."

"Very well. How long has it been since you've had intercourse?" She asks.

My cheeks become ablaze as she asks this. "About two weeks or so."

"Ok. Did you use protection?"

"No ma'am." I say, my cheeks becoming a brighter shade of red.

"Hmm. I see. Do you mind if I check some things on this sonogram?" She asks.

"No, not at all. Go right ahead." I say.

She walks over to the machine and grabs the green jelly and walks back over to me. "Lift your shirt right below where your bra strap is."

I do as she says, lifting my shirt, and she squeezes the cold, green slime all over my belly. She grabs the wand thing and rubs it around my belly looking for anything. I glance nervously at Kailee and see her staring at the machine intently. I look back at Dr. Ree and see her stare at the same spot.

"Well, Alexis, do you see this spot right here?"

I gulp. Oh no. "Yes ma'am."

"Well, that spot could be a baby. But I'm not entirely sure." She says, pulling the wand off my belly and setting it back on the machine. "I would like you to go pee in this cup, the bathroom is right down the hall. It'll give us a for sure reading of whether that was a baby or not." She says, handing me a cup in a bag and smiling. "Once you've peed in it just place it on the counter. I'll come retrieve it when you come out." She says.

I jump off the table and walk to the bathroom and turing to lock the door. I pee in the cup, set it on the counter, and look at myself in the mirror. I look like a complete mess. I forgot to brush my hair so it's frizzy and I'm wearing the most unflattering outfit ever. And I smell. I shutter and walk out of the bathroom and tell Dr. Ree that I'm done. She smiles and walk out to get it.

About ten minutes later, Dr. Ree walks back in and stares at her clip board. She looks at me, gives me a sad smile and breaks the news.

"Congratulations Alexis. You're pregnant."


Hey guys! Omg I can't believe she's pregnant😰 anyways vote for more! Ilygsm!!💕 -Kaitlyn

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