"I meant it."

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"They literally threw a rock at us! It was attempted murder!"

Our principle shakes his head and starts to sort through some papers on his desk. "Calm down, Kelly. If they really wanted to hit you, they would've had no problem doing so. Those gentlemen have impeccable aim."

I grip the arms of my chair as tightly as I can. "We would really appreciate it if you took this seriously."

"I am taking this very seriously." He doesn't look up from the forms he's signing. "However, as principle, I must treat both parties equally and take both of their perspectives into account."

"I understand that, I do, but it's obvious that Servando and some of his friends are the ones at fault here. There has to be something you can do to discipline them."

"I'm a very busy individual. It'll take some time for me to investigate this situation and determine how I choose to handle it."

Kelly throws her hands up. "There were students and staff all around the cafeteria that saw those asshats do it! Alex is holding the evidence! What else is there to investigate?"

To my surprise, he actually starts to show some compassion. Just not towards us. "Servando is a great kid, girls. He earns exceptional grades and praise from his teachers, and his coach says colleges are offering him scholarships left and right. I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding that is waiting to be sorted out."


I had heard that the principle of Diamond Bar High was a total jerk, but I wasn't expecting him to be this unreasonable. Having a high GPA and some athletic ability had little to nothing to do with a person's moral compass. Servando had made his bad intentions very clear, but for whatever reason, our principle was choosing not to acknowledge them.

"All of those things could also be said about me, sir." I sound beyond pissed. "He threatened my girl- Tobin. He threatened Tobin, and you're doing nothing to keep her safe by sitting here and acting like you have more important things to deal with than ensuring your students aren't going to get jumped."

He looks as surprised as I am at how harsh my tone and words are. "Do you really think it's smart to be speaking to me in that manner?"

I swallow my fear and sit up a little straighter. "I'll say whatever I want, and you can't use your power to intimidate into doing otherwise. Tobin is too important to me."

I feel Kelly reach over and squeeze my hand reassuringly, but it doesn't calm the nerves that have begun to bundle up within my stomach. This wasn't fair, this just wasn't fair. I shouldn't have to endure this treatment while Servando is in one of his classes, acting like a golden boy that he isn't.

His mouth twists into a smile that makes me wish I had never come to him for help. "Where does your mother work, Alex?"


"Doesn't she work at the hospital down the street?"

I'm beginning to feel like I'm going to be sick. "How do you know that? Why does that even matter?"

"Oh, it doesn't. Not really." He pretends to analyze a photo on his desk. "It's just that my wife happens to work at that same hospital."

"So?" Kelly snaps cautiously.

He shrugs. "I hear a lot about how great your mother is, Alex. My wife is her boss."

"I still don't see why-" And then I realize what he's trying to say.

He was still the one in control here, and I couldn't do anything to change that. I would have to accept any unfair verdict he reached if I wanted to keep my mom's job secure.

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