Author's Note

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It may have taken me three years, but I see finishing this fanfic as an accomplishment nonetheless. I began it the summer before my sophomore year, and now I'm drawing it to a close only a couple months before I head to college. I worked on it during my highs and I worked on it during my lows. Yeah, life was busy, but writing was something that always made me feel at ease.

I can't thank everyone enough for supporting my work. Goals was the first thing I wrote that I actually put out there for the world to see, and even though it's a fanfic, it's still something that I consider mine, something that I'm proud to have created. Every single like and comment and message meant so much to me, and I'm so glad that something always drew me back to this story.

I honestly don't know if I'll write anything else. Goals is my pride and joy, but I do have other projects in mind. I just don't know if I'll have the time to work on them in between classes and college hijinks and growing up and stuff. I might keep writing Momentum, but truth be told, I don't know if I can commit to finishing another story.

I hope you guys liked how Goals wrapped up. Thanks for everything. I'm a better writer because of all of you.

-Ash (pretzee)

Shameless plug, y'all should go check out Momentum and the other one-shots I've put out. It would be much appreciated.

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