Chapter 10

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Ok you guys really wanted another chapter tonight, so here it goes!
BTW, that is what Kristen and Scott's baby looks like!

Liza POV: It's about 6am now, so Kristen has been in labor for about 3 hours now, her waters broken and she is almost ready to have the baby. Scott has been doing a really good job at keeping her comfortable, and Kristen is doing great at staying calm through all of the pain. I've never had a baby, but I hope when I do, I can be as calm as Kristen is. She's only screamed a few times, other than that she's just been taking deep breaths and squeezing Scott's hand through all of the contractions. The midwife says it's time for her to start pushing, so she props herself up against Scott, grabs my hand in one of her hands, and Gabbies hand in the other, and she starts pushing, we all say things like, "C'MIN KRISSY YOU CAN DO IT! ALMOST THERE, YOURE DOING SOOOOO GOOD!" And about 15 minutes later their little boy is here! When he arrives we all start crying. Gabbie and I stay for a few minutes, take a few pictures for them, then Leave  them be with their new little bundle of joy. We are coming back tomorrow with Zane and David so that they can see the baby too. On my way home I send David the pictures of Their new little family, and he thinks it's adorable. It's about 8:45 by the time I get home, but I am super tired, David is an early riser, but I'm not. So when I get home, David is awake of course, and he talks to me for a few minutes about how cute the baby is, and I told him how exciting it was. Then I went and layed down for a little while before I went shopping with Gabbie later.

~About 4 hours later~

It's about noon now and I decide its  time to get up, I'm meeting Gabbie for lunch at Panera at 12:45. We are going to pick up a few things for Kristen and Scott to welcome the baby. After I get dressed and put on my makeup I walk out and David is sitting on the couch watching T.V. "Bye babe, I'm going out with Gabbie, I'll be home later" I say, and kiss him on the cheek. "Ok bye baby, I love you." He says. "Love you too." After Gabbie and I finish at linch we head to edible arrangements, to pick up a bouquet of water melon flower thingys. Then we head to target to pick up a custom order we placed. It's a cute little diaper bag with the baby's name, Liam (which I just realized I haven't told you guys yet, sorry, now you know😂) embroidered on it. And in the bag are a bunch of cute Onsies, on with his name on it, some bottles, pacifiers, and some cute little socks that look like shoes. We leave target and drop the stuff off at their house real quick, but we don't stay for long because they are still getting used to this whole parenting thing, and we want to give them some alone time with Liam. We are driving back to Gabbies place to hang out when she lets out a large sigh and says, "UGHHH, I HATE MY LIFEEEE" "why?" I say with a laugh. "Because I'm on my period and I'm bloated ASF!!!" My heart period......I'm like a week late, I got caught up in all of the excitement, I didn't even notice! "OMIGOD GABBIE STOP AT WALGREENS, I NEED PREGNANCY TESTS! I THINK DAVID AND I FORGOT A CONDOM, AND IM LATE!!" " Ok, don't freak out, let's just make sure before we jump to conclusions." She says. We arrive back at her apartment with 3 of the best test I could find. I take them, and sure enough.....positive. I show Gabbie and start crying, "What am I gonna do gab??" Gabbie looks at me and says, "Are you really this upset?? You love kids!" "No, but what am I going to tell David?!" "The truth" she says to me. "David is not going to leave you over this....I PROMISE." "Thanks gab...well.....I guess I better get home then...see yea later, I'll text you." "Ok, bye Hun, and listen....don't worry, David loves you, and you love him. Ok?" "Ok." I say, and head home.

Ok, like I said, it was half and half on this situation, and I felt like this is where the story needed to go. I'm sorry if this is not where you wanted the story to go, but I'm going to try and make it as interesting as possible. Also, feel free to take this book out of your library, if you don't like this change in😂 anyways, I will try and update again tomorrow, sorry to leave you guys hanging!

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