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It was at the age of 16 on the planet Animula that your soul would be removed ,split and the only perfect part of it was given to an animal, the most flawless creature that could possibly hold this perfection … the horse.

This perfection has no link to the purity of ones soul but more the essence of their being every action altering their power. through the years perfection turned to beauty and love to pride until the fateful day were balance fell and war was upon us. mankind soon stumbled onto a dangerous path that would ultimately lead to their demise. their arrogance blinding them from their twins despair. the horses couldn't hold on to their naïve loyalty to man kind forever , they would loose faith in their masters and surrender them to the only place they saw fit ,a place of tortured souls and wretched beasts guarded by the only creature  who was dark enough to fulfil this title , Dark Demon the one horse who's perfection manifested itself within his magnificence,  he reminded me of a beautiful devil, for when he ran his minty black coat passed as a shadow deeper, more impenetrable than any other, his hoof beats the echo of  pure untainted fear and his constant snorting and grunting as if he were a wolf shackled in a cage .He sported studded iron shoes that looked like weapons used to kill and rip the victim to shreds .The very site of him was like a wave of powerful beauty and strength that would send shivers down any living beings spine. no one could really say what it was exactly that made him so stunning in such a scary disturbing manner . we're not sure if he was sent to the underworld or he just went there to get away from the hunters .either way all they went through just made their bond between man and horse stronger , and that’s where he comes in , Ross the only man suited to such a terrifyingly stunning beast. Dark Demon and Ross would stay together as partners until the flames of war engulfed them and they would die not as 1 but as 2 supercilious beings ruling a dark and lonely world not as partners but as slave drivers making man and horse pay for all they had done .

Of course for every darkness there is a light. Natalie, silver starlight’s rider who was the exact opposite in fact it was like comparing an angel with a demon. She rode a sleek beautiful mare standing at about 16.3 h.h. that looked like a statue dipped in platinum with emeralds as eyes and wisps of silver as a tail and mane and this beautiful mare had the perfect rider to match they stood like a shining beacon of elegance and power. Natalie ruled with an iron fist her word was final and she didn’t like competition she had been very young when Ross took his rightful place on the only throne he belonged on, deep in the depths of hell . She had to keep him there its was made law that if ever he arose from his kingdom he should be killed on sight but  what people didn’t know was that if this where to happen all the people would be separated from their twins and they would be sent to the underworld where they could  be tortured and tormented until they were sent to the hell hounds ,slowly being burnt by the flames as the hounds began to devour them  alive as there was not space for the whole race of twins the ones that did not prove themselves or where to old to be good workers would be sent to this sad hard and slow death. as this may seem like a heartless thing to do it was almost the only way to kill the people that there was no space for .

 Ross needed this to end ,he needed to go back and get what he lost in the first war thousands of years ago . people were getting to close to the edge ,he had lost hope in humanity many years ago  but By Request (DARK DEMON) was his soul, an unbreakable bond nothing could be worse then loosing him and if they took that final step him and Request would be ripped apart . leading to an event every living being would learn to regret.

 AN-first book tell me what you think:)

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