Chapter 3

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Y/N: well...*you tell Mario exactly what happened* and he is not my boyfriend! so please don't say that at Five Guys...please

Mario: oh my gosh y/n! im so happy for you! even though i did most off the work, still happy for you!! and i won't say anything like that boyfriend stuff at lunch

Y/N: thanks bestieeeee

Mario: welcomeeeeee

*skips to lunch*
*jackson walks up to you and rests his hand on your shoulder*

Jackson: ready to go?

Y/N: yeah! we just gotta wait like 10 seconds for Mario

Jackson: okay, cool!

*Mario runs up to you guys. when he tried to stop running he fell forward and you caught him*

*you look at Mario*

Y/N: well this is awkward

Mario: yeah let's never talk about this

Y/N: yeah

*you guys arrive at Five Guys and order the food*

Jackson: Mario, do you mind if i just talk to y/n for a second. it'll be fast

Mario: okay. take your time *he said as he was eating his hamburger*

*Jackson pulls you to the side*

Y/N: what did you want to talk to me about?

Jackson: uh, i just wanted to know if um...i wanted to know if you and Mario are actually best friends or if you guys are like a thing

Y/N: oh. we're just best friends. there's nothing happening between us

Jackson: okay *he smiles*

*you guys go back to the table and eat. you guys tell Mario what you talked about*

*Mario laughed*

Mario: yeah Jackson. she's just my bestie! nothing going on between us

Jackson: okay. because sometimes it seems like you guys are dating

Y/N and Mario (at the same time) : nope, not dating *you guys say while laughing* JINX!! damnit!

Mario: how about we just buy each other a coke lol

Y/N: yeah okay

*you and Mario go up to the register to buy the cokes. you look back at Jackson and he's smiling at you*

maybe, he does kinda like me after all

it's complicated (a Jackson Krecioch fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now