Chapter 9

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Jackson: have you and Juwany know...been a thing?

Y/N: no, no. of course not. we were just good friends. why?

Jackson: just asking

Y/N: okay

*skips to lunch*
*you, Mario, Cat, Jackson, and Juwany sit together*

Juwany: i've missed you guys *he says to you, Mario and cat* and im surprised i didn't know you considering we went to the same school

Jackson: yeah me too

Mario: i've missed you, man

Juwany: i've missed you too

Cat: remember that nickname we had for you?

Y/N: oh my gosh,  that was the best nickname ever

Juwany: oh my gosh, i remember when everyone called me flamingeos. then people just started calling me Geo. im pretty sure no one knew my name

*you all laugh*

Jackson: i kinda remember you now! we were in a group presentation and instead of talking we made a rap

Juwany: oh my gosh i remember that! i was surprised we didn't fail, to be honest

Jackson: same!

what was i so worried about? Juwany is a nice, funny guy. and y/n said nothing ever happened between them so it's all good i guess

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