Chapter 13

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*the next morning (saturday) at about 10:00, you get a text from cat*

*via text*
Cat: hey y/n

Y/N: hey. wyd

Cat: nothing. hbu

Y/N: nothing

Cat: are you doing anything today?

Y/N: nah

Cat: wanna go to the mall with me and Mario?

Y/N: sure!

Cat: alright, cool! what time should we stop by your house?

Y/N: is 12:00 good?

Cat: yeah! see you at 12:00🤘

Y/N: see ya✌️

*you pick put your clothes and get in the shower. after that you put your hair into a somewhat decent messy bun. and check your snapchat and instagram. by the time you finish that, someone rings your doorbell*

*you open the door. it's Cat and Mario*

Cat: ready to go?

Y/N: yeah!

*you and Cat in the car. Cat's mom is driving*

Mrs. Selman: hey y/n! how are you?

Y/N: im good! how're you?

Mrs. Selman: good, good

*you guys arrive at the mall*

Mrs. Selman: okay guys! call me when you want to be picked up!

Mario & Cat: okay mom!

Y/N, Cat, Mario: thanks!

*you guys walk around and start talking*

Mario: so how was the dance ladies?

Cat: great!

Mario: y/n?

Y/N: great

Cat: me and Blake talked and danced. oh and he invited me to go to his next game

Mario: ooo! Cat you and Blake are so cute! if he ever tries to kiss you, i will kill him

*all of you laugh*

Mario: what about you y/n? what did you and Jackson do?

*you tell him what happened*

Mario: oh my gosh y/n!!! you had your first kiss! with Jackson! im so happy for you!

Y/N: thanks Mario

*all of a sudden you get a call*

Y/N: sorry i gotta take this

*via phone call*
Y/N: hello?

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