Chapter 6

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Jackson: y/n, can i ask you something?

Y/N: yeah!

Jackson: so the baseball team is having this dance thing where they bring their girlfriends, and i was wondering...would - would you -

*he starts stuttering and you smile because you think it's cute*

Jackson: - would you go to the dance with me?

*you hug him. he hugs you back*
*Mario sees you guys hugging*


*you and Jackson stop hugging and laugh*

Mario: i'll just leave you two alone!

*you and Jackson laugh*

Jackson: so is that a yes to the dance?

*you smile*

Y/N: yes Jackson, of course i'll go with you!

Jackson: oh thank god!

*Jackson hugs you*

Jackson: i was scared you were gonna say no, but you didn't! yes!

Y/N: how could i say no to someone i've liked since we were in 2nd grade

Jackson: oh my gosh i've liked you since the second grade too!

Y/N: so does this mean im ur girlfriend now?

*both of you smile*

Jackson: yes y/n, you are my girlfriend now

Y/N: yes!!

ohhhh my gosh! im Jackson's girlfriend now!! aaaaahhh!

ohhhhhhh myyyy gossshhh!!! Y/N is my girlfriend! oh my gosh!

Jackson: so at the dance, the girls wear their boyfriend's jersey so...

*jackson opens his locker and pulls out his jersey. he has number 13 (one of your favorite numbers). he hands you his jersey*

Jackson: here. the dance is this Friday at 7:00pm and it will be in the gym. so yeah. oh and i already washed the jersey so don't worry about it

*jackson closes his locker and you guys head out to the lunch tables. you guys look at each other and smile*

damn he's so cute

wow...she's the cutest

*MARIO'S POV (he's somewhere in the school lol)*
damnit...i forgot lunch
TBC✌️ also, there are a lot more special guests coming soon!

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