Chapter 8

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Mario: CAT, Y/N GUESS WHAT?!?!!

Y/N, CAT: what?

Mario: remember Juwany from 3rd grade. the one who left in like 6th?

Cat: yeah...

Mario: he just texted me saying that he's coming to go to school here!

Y/N: really? cool!

Cat: cool

Mario: Cat, be more excited!

Cat: i am excited Mario, trust me *cat chuckles*

*skips to the next day*

Mario: he's coming today!!!!!

Y/N: Mario, calm down a little bit *you chuckle*

Mario: i can't calm down! he was one of my best friends besides you!!

Cat: um hello?

Mario: Cat, i can't be best friends with my sister

Cat: wow i see how it is

*you all laugh*
*class starts*

Mr. Dallas: okay class. before we start today's lesson i'd like to introduce our new student Juwany Roman

*your eyes light up*
wow. Juwany DOES NOT look the same as he did went he left our school in 6th grade. i mean, im not saying that he was ugly. im just saying that he's more attractive now. like a lot more attractive. his brown eyes, his hair, his smile...he's really attractive. but I have always liked Jackson, and i always will. it's not wrong to think other guys are attractive...right?

*after class*
*Juwany walks up to you*

Juwany: hey y/n! remember me?

Y/N: of course i remember you!

*you and Juwany hug*

Jackson: hey y/n! wanna introduce me to your long time friend?

Y/N: yeah! Jackson, this is my friend Juwany. Juwany, this is my boyfriend Jackson

*Jackson and Juwany shake hands*

Juwany: nice to meet you

Jackson: nice to meet you too

Juwany: well i guess i should get to class. see you around?

Y/N: yeah!

Jackson: y/n?

Y/N: yeah?

Jackson: have you and Juwany know...been a thing?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TBC✌️and if you don't know who Juwany is, he's flamingeos on all social media lol

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