Chapter 19

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*Juwany is walking to his locker and suddenly he bumps into someone*

Juwany: oh, im so sorry!

*Juwany helps the person pick up their books. Their hands meet. Juwany looks up and sees that it's Maddie. Juwany blushes and quickly finishes picking up the books*

Juwany: um, here. sorry about that *he says handing Maddie the books*

Maddie: don't worry, it's fine! thanks for helping pick them up though

Juwany: no problem, i figured it was the least i could do, you besides apologize, about dropping your books

*Maddies smiles*

Juwany: hey, what class do you have next

Maddie: um *looks at her schedule* math. what about you?

Juwany: math

Maddie: cool *she says softly while smiling*

Juwany: well i guess we should get going

Maddie: yeah

*Juwany and Maddie walk to class together*

im so stupid! how did i bump into Maddie? i could've sworn that i was paying attention...or i was texting...either way, stupid! but i have to admit, if i didn't bump into her, this probably never would've happened. so not paying attention helped me? i don't even know

it was really sweet of Juwany to help me pick up my books. i mean, he could've just walked away, but he didn't. when our hands touched as he blushed, i was lowkey kinda happy. i don't know why, but i was

it's complicated (a Jackson Krecioch fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now