Chapter 1

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It's my first day of college and it's not off to a great start. I argued with mom as I left to get on the bus to campus. She's pissed because I'll be staying on campus rather than coming home. I'm happy to be free of her, and in a few weeks I'll cut my hair.

On another note, I'm anxious about what my room mate will be like. I've spent most of my life on my own, I came home from school and went to my room to avoid mother. She wanted a girl you see, she treated me like a girl.. I was her 'princess'. I look girly and it doesn't help matters that I'm small. The only good thing that has came out of mothers abuse is that she's happily accepting the fact that I'm gay. It's been funny and heartbreaking over the past few years, guys ask me out, some know I'm a guy and others don't, but the ending is always the same; I get hurt. Guys are kind of assholes. I should know, in high school I had a huge crush on my friend, he was a guy, duh, and I knew I couldn't tell him. He's seriously scary. So I used my best friend Kayano to get over him but I never felt anything for her. It's okay, she's still my best friend and knows everything. I often find myself thinking of my redheaded crush, he moved away after we assassinated our teacher.. Long story.

This bus stinks and the weather is horrible! What a day to start a new life. I have my headphones on, I'm listening to 'For You' by Get Scared. The catchy ness of the song makes me want to sing along. The song comes to an end as the bus stops, excited I grab my bag and get of the bus before the others. I was already here during the week setting up my room so I head straight to it, since classes don't start until tomorrow.

"Nagisa!" I hear a voice shout, I recognise it. I turn around to be embraced by Rio, she looks exactly the same but her hair is now short. I envy it. "Rio! Hi! How've you been?" I ask, hardly getting my words out before she interrupts. "Have you seen him Nagisa?" She asks, looking at her watch she makes a face I find funny. "Crap. Gotta go! I'll find you later!" She shouts as she runs away. I wonder who she was talking about, when she asked if I seen him yet. Probably Isogai or Maehara, I know they're attending this campus too.
I make my way to my room number 37, pausing outside the door before slowly opening it.

Huh there's no one here, but there's stuff on the bed.. Ugh I was hoping I would have a room to myself. I unpack my bag and set my electronics in the drawer, leaving my phone out.

I text Kayano to see if she's arrived yet, she replies instantly 'yes meet me on the second floor café.' I get changed into fresh clothes and head down to meet her.


It's now almost midnight. I stayed at Kayano's room way too long, we watched a few sci-fi films and ate too much pizza, her room mate ending up kicking me out.
I quietly open my door and make my way to bed, my room mate is tucked in like a burito.

I silently laugh at the sight of it as I fall asleep.

I wake up tangled in my own hair. I spit it out of my mouth and reach for my phone to check the time. 8:35am. Shit!! I'm going to be late, I jump outta bed and I throw a pillow at my still sleeping room mate. He grunts from under the covers "5 more minutes." Oh well not my problem, I get ready in record time, shoving a beanie on my messy hair, telling my room mate he'll be late as I slam the door.

Making my way to my first class I stop at my locker, it's on top and I can't reach the top shelf but it doesn't really matter, I put my iPod in because I forgot to leave it in my room and I don't wanna lose it. I enter my class and greet my teacher, sitting near the back of the class, I notice Rio sitting a few seats away and wave. Math is so boring, I end up drawing on some paper. The classroom door opens, I don't bother to look up. "Sorry I'm late, I slept in." The boy says. "Don't let it happen again. What's your name?" The teacher says gruffly.

What Happens In College. (Karmagisa - Karma X Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now