Chapter 10

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Storming out of the lunch room I make my way to my locker, taking out my phone I'm about to call mother when I see Karma and Kasumi out by a tree, they look deep in conversation. Hideaki and his group is near them, he looks really cute today. I don't have time to think about what I'm doing, before I know it I'm kissing Hideaki. His friends make a riot, drawing Karma's attention to me. When he locks eyes with me I pull away. "S-sorry i-i didn't-" I don't even finish my sentence. I just walk away as quick as I can. What am I doing? Honestly I just wanted to make Karma jealous.


The rest of my classes pass in a blur. Before I know it I'm walking back to my room, I really can't face Karma though. I take out my phone and text him to meet me at the café so that he won't be there when I get in. He doesn't reply. Typical. When he said he loved me I believed him but I guess that was a lie. I mean.. I shouldn't have been so stupid to think it was love, it was lust.

Rounding the corner to my room I see Karma and Kasumi, she's got him cornered again our door and Karma is trying to push her away. I continue my walk to my room. "Excuse me." I say to the pair keeping my pokerface. Karma's eyes plead with me to help him or to leave, I wont. He got himself into this and he can sure as hell get himself out. "Aww if it isn't perfect little Nagi.." Kasumi says with a voice full of venom. "Don't speak to him!" Karma growls at her. Ha, that's rich. Now he plays the protective boyfriend. I glare at him, ready to push past them and into the room, as I do though Kasumi grabs my hair, pulling it hard enough to floor me. Laughter erupts from her, I've never hated anyone in my life but this girl I hate. "Touch him again." Karma says as a warning. I don't like the look that's came over him. He looks like he could hurt her. I pick myself off the floor, or at least try to when she kicks me. I cry out in shock. Karma snaps then, pinning her against the wall. She winces in pain. "Stop Karma this isn't right!" I plead with him but he won't let her go. "See this is why we want you back.." She smiles at him. This chick is as crazy as Akabane! He let's go and pulls me into our room, shutting her outside. Want him back? We? I don't understand.. "Its all your fault you blue haired bastard that he won't come back!" She shouts in at me.

I stare at the door in confusion. My fault? How is it my fault? I turn to look at Karma, he looks like he's been hit by a bus. "I have.. Some explaining to do.." He goes to the bed patting a space next to him. I begrudgingly sit next to him. "Well c'mon let's hear it." I say getting very impatient. "Just listen okay? Let me finish and then you can say whatever you want.." I nod a yes. "Okay.. The reason I left all those years ago was because of a job opportunity.. As an assassin. The good type..if there is one. We tracked down the bad guys and dealt with them. I killed and hurt so many people, i guess they thought a teenage boy wouldn't be suspicious I've gotten tired of it, the helpless screams, the blood.. I couldn't do it anymore so I vanished. But she's found me now, demanding that I return. I don't want to hurt people anymore so leaving is my only option." He finishes. I'm in shock.. How can you take someone's life? I know i considered the life of an assassin..but-Wait did he just say leave? "Leave?" I ask out loud. There is so much pain written on his face. I already know the answer and I refuse to let him leave me again. "They won't take no for an answer, I will have to move away Nagisa." His voice is soft but his words weigh heavy. He can't leave me I only just got him back. "No. NO! You can't leave me.." I cry. "Please don't leave me.." He embraces me tightly, like its the last time he's ever gonna hold me. Resting his forehead against mine. "I can't stay.. I'm sorry.." His voice full of sorrow. He moves away from me, the separation already leaving me feeling empty. Karma packs his bag, just the necessary things. I sit here in complete dismay, when he lifts my blanket I share at him dumbfounded. "Can I keep this?" He asks. The tears I was holding back stream down my face. I don't want him to go. I've finally felt alive again after all that's happened. "Y-you can ..keep." I choke out. I don't look at Karma again, I can't bare to see him leave. He walks to me, kissing me lightly on the forehead before walking to the door. "I love you Nagisa." My heart breaks all over again as i cry in agony. "I love you too Karma." I say, I'm already too late.

•~••~••~•Long time skip cause I'm lazyyyy•~••~••

Its been 2 days since Karma left. I've sent him a thousand messages that will never be seen or answered. I haven't left the room, I haven't ate. All I do is sleep in this bed that has karma's scent all over it but even that is fading. My heart feels like its been ripped out of my chest. I don't understand how I can feel this pain and still be alive. I decide to get up and stretch my legs. I should have went with him.. I say wish I could go back in time and ask him where he was going.
Walking around our room I find myself looking at the things Karma left behind. Some shirts, some manga and his phone. I pick up his phone, which is dead, flipping it over I take off the back to see if his sim card is still here. A small piece off paper falls out, I pick it up squinting in the dull light I make out a number. Its a zip code. A sign? Does he want me to find him? Even if its not a lead to him its a risk I'm willing to take. The last thing he saw was me kissing Hideaki.. Its time to get my shit together.

"Karasuma sorry to bother you at this hour.. Can you get a location and some flights for me?" I ask urgently. The voice on the other end of the phone sighs. "Gimme me a minute Nagisa." After what feels like forever Karasuma tells me the code is a small town in Belgium. My flight leaves early morning, about 4 hours from now. My head tells me I'm foolish to go chase after the redhead. But my heart? Well its screaming at me to find him. I write a note in my room explaining that I'm running away and that they shouldn't look for me. I smash my phone and pack my things. Shit! My passport is at home! I'll have to sneak in and get it. I call a taxi and tell him to wait outside my neighbors house while I get what I need. Quietly opening the door I creep past mom sleeping on the couch. Thank goodness I'm small and light, I made little sound. Entering my room I take it in, knowing it could be the last time I'll see it. I take the picture of my mom and me and grab my passport. I write her a note saying how much I love her and thanking her for all she's done.

"Where to?" The driver asks. "Airport." I reply.

On the drive over i have too much time to think. I'm going to miss everyone Kayano, Asano.. Mom.. I hope they all know how much I love them. They'll think I'm stupid, running halfway around the world for some man. But they don't understand. Will they accept me back if this doesn't work out? No.. This IS going to work. I WILL get my Karma back. I won't rest until I do. "We're here." The driver pulls me out of my thoughts, I smile and pay him. Once I've checked in I get something to eat, I get sushi. Gosh its so delicious! 'Alert: passengers to Belgium can begin boarding.' Shoving the rest of the sushi in my mouth I board the plane.

The seats are uncomfortable and the flight is going to be too long, I take out my laptop and watch some anime i have saved.


The plane is landing and my stomach is in knots, unsure of what will happen. Walking off the plane I take my first step in my new life. Now let's find Karma..

^3^ I wish I could go on.. But I gotta go see Suicide Squad XD
Honestly I don't know if I like this plot.. Oh welllll -7-
Thanks for all reading//sorry for grammar mistakes!

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