Chapter 11

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I start to have doubts of deciding to come here when I enter the airport. Could I be tracked? Karasuma assured me that he covered my tracks- I can't risk leading them right to Karma. Picking up the small case i brought of the conveyer belt, i walk towards the doors of the airport. Everything is so weird here and its so cold. For some reason my mind flickers to the trip to Ireland Karma got me, it was such a sweet thing for him to do.. Even if we don't get to go.

I take a deep breath before getting into the car that was arranged to pick me up. I owe Karasuma a lot, he's been very kind to me over the past few years.
The driver is friendly, an older man who loves to talk about his wife and grandkids. They speak English here but I find it hard to understand since my English is not up to scratch. "We are at the zip code, here is my number should you need transport again." He hands me a card. I smile and say thank you. "This street.. Its somewhere along here." The man says. "Thank you for your help!" My voice is full of nervousness. He wishes me luck and drives off.

I stare at the small row of houses in front of me, how will I know which one is Karma's? Or even IF one is Karma's. It starts to drizzle and I start walking towards the first house. I knock the door and wait patiently. A moment later a small lady opens the door and smiles. "Hello?" She asks, I'm a bit slow on my reply as I never planned this far ahead. "Is Karma here?" I ask. Her face has confusion written all over it. She mutters a no and closes the door. I need to come up with a reason for knocking on these poor peoples doors. I make my way to the next door, knocking lightly. Nobody answers so I look in the window, its full of pictures of a family. This is not Karma's house. There's just two left. Second last house.. Please be here.. Knocking the door I hear a dog barking crazily, I back away. A gruff man opens the door, he's scruffy and has a beer belly. He grunts at me in a language I don't understand. "Karma Akabane?" Is all I ask. He slams the door in my face. How rude! I throw a dirty look at the door.. Wow Nagisa you're gonna make the door mad.. I walk towards the last house, this has gotta be it otherwise I have no leads to Karma. I ring the bell and wait, getting impatient I ring it again. "May i help you my dear?" A lady asks from the garden that I failed to notice. "I'm looking for my friend, his name is Karma and he's about 6 foot with red hair." I ask with hope. The lady puts down her plant she was holding and comes to my side. "A while back I saw a young man that matches that description, check the house at the end of the street." Her expression turns sad as she continues. "I don't think anyone lives in that house though, and it was a few months ago I saw the young man." I smile and thank her. Such a kind lady. I practically run down the street with my case dragging behind me, stupidly I trip on a rock and fall on my knees. I cry out as a stone digs into my knee. Its ripped my pants but I don't care. I hobble my way to the house in question. It looks empty and cold.

As I reach the door I bang on it "Karma!!" I scream at the door, I scream and scream til my throat hurts. There's no one here. I notice the window is open, the gap isn't very big but then neither am I.
I put my bag underneath a old cover.

Opening the window as wide as it goes I pull myself I up, wriggling in the window. I fall to the inside in a heap.

I pick myself up and look about, someone definitely lives here. There's a mattress on the floor, I walk over to it and pick up the blanket. Its mine! Its my blanket!! Karma is here! "Karma?!" I shout into the cold house. No answer. I lay down on the mattress. It smells like Karma.. I thought I'd never smell him again.

I awake to a rustling. I bolt upright and hide behind the door. The person enters the same window I did, its now dark outside so I can't see who it is, I'm pretty sure its Karma. He walks to his bed and stares at it, picking up the blanket and examining it, there's a dark patch on it which I think is my blood from my knee. I creep up and stand behind him. I want to open my mouth-to say anything but the words are trapped.

What Happens In College. (Karmagisa - Karma X Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now