Chapter 12

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"Gather our things." Karma tells me.

I rush to collect the small amount of things lying about and shove them into a bag. I join Karma at his side and he grabs my hand.

We go towards the back of the house, of course the door is locked. "The window. You go first, I'll lift you up." Karma points at the window, I sigh cause its pretty high up. He lifts me up and I grab the edge, throwing myself out the window. To my amazement I land on my feet. The bag is thrown next, closely followed by a hot redhead. Karma lands with a thud on his ass. I laugh as he gets up. "I'll kiss it better later!" I say. A loud crash comes from inside the house, we take off running. Then I remember something; my bag. "Karma!! My bag is around the front!! Please it has my picture in it!" I panic and turn away from the small patch of trees we were heading for. "Nag-" he attempts to stop me but instead runs after me.

Removing the old sheet I grab my bag. Karma grabs my arm tightly and pulls me along behind him into the small woods. "Don't do that again! Are you stupid?!" He growls at me. I look to the ground as my face burns, I just didn't want to lose the only thing I have of my mom.. The thought of her makes me cry. Am I ever gonna see her again? Have I made the right choice? Karma's warm arms wrap around me, making me cry even more. He wipes away my tears and kisses my nose. "Sorry.. I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt." He says and I smile at him. "I'm a big boy you know, who was that?" I ask, flicking his chin. He grabs my hand and holds it in his. "You're freezing! He was the owner.. I think. If you truly do want to stay with me, we will go look for a place to stay tomorrow." Taking the blanket out of the bag he sits on the ground. "Come sit." He says and pats the space in front of him. "I want you and only you." I tell him and drop down in front of him with my back pressed against his chest. His arms wrap around me once again along with the blanket. I sigh, happy to be home. "Love you Karma-Kun." I whisper as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of birds and a very sore ass.. What the hell? I move, regretting it when I feel how cramped I am. Opening my eyes I remember where I am, on the ground, in the dirt might I add. I'm sitting on something hard, groaning as I stand, it was a stone I was sitting on. But I know that's not really the reason I'm sore, I look at the person to blame.

Karma is still sleeping so I kneel beside him and kiss him lightly on the lips, to wake him up. As I pull away he moves his hand to my neck, kissing me just a little while longer. "Morning." I say when we break the kiss. He smiles and sits up. "I'm sore.." He says wincing at his movements. "Yep I'm sore too.. Let's not he homeless again okay?" I say in a serious voice and help him up. "Did you sleep okay?" He asks completely ignoring my statement. "Not really." I answer honestly.

It was cold the whole night, the hard ground was not comfortable and the smell of the mud wasn't one bit pleasant. Karma laughs and puts away the blanket and turns to me. "I'd suggest getting washed in that stream over there but I'm sure its freezing." He says, I debate in my head, I don't wanna be dirty but I also don't wanna be cold. I really don't want to be cold.. "No I'm not that dirty. You can if you want though." Karma nods and walks toward the stream, bending down to test the temperature, he pulls back shivering. "I'm good too that's fucking freezing!" He screeches and I laugh. "You can be such a girl sometimes." I joke.  Sticking his tongue out at me he walks back to my side, taking both our bags. "Let's go to town to see my agent, he has a few options of houses for us to live in." I hook my arm in his as we walk to town. If he has a agent I wonder why he was staying in a house that wasn't even his, I don't ask though.

"So why did you come here?" Karma asks, breaking the silence that fell over us. Is he serious? I throw him a look. "Well... Isn't it obvious?" I ask. We are getting strange looks from the strangers passing by. I can't say I blame them though, we are pretty dirty. "Uh.. I just want to make sure you know what you're doing Nagisa." Karma softly says, I pull my gaze back to his. "I know. I don't wanna lose you again." I say in confidence and flash him a smile. I tug on his shirt to tell him to lean down. "Eh, we're here.." He denies me my kiss. I pout as he walks in the door and greets a man in a suit. I sigh and join them.

What Happens In College. (Karmagisa - Karma X Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now