Chapter 6

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A loud bang pulls me from my sleep, I jump up thinking its a gunshot. Switching on the light I see Kasumi with a very drunk Karma. Her eyes widen when she sees our bed. I glare at her, why is this bitch coming to my room? And why did she get Karma so drunk?

"I'm returning your boyfriend. I don't wanna play with him anymore." She says, dumping Karma on the floor and walking out the door. Haha that's right he's mine.. Maybe. I get back into bed, leaving Karma on the floor. I hear him pick himself up and shuffle his way too me, I ignore him.

I open my eyes expecting to see Karma but I don't, I sit up and look for him.
He's slumped at the bottom of the bed looking miserable. I take pity on him and get him into bed. He stokes my cheek and I slap his hand away. God knows where it's been. "Kasumi" he says as if answering me. I drop him in the bed,  getting myself into bed again. Karma rolls to me and hugs me from behind. Please just sleep. "Love you." He says, sighing into my neck. Love? Whoa buddy.. Slow those horses right down. Its way too early for love. A loud snore erupts from him.

Its gonna be a long night.


I wake up around 10am, worlds worst nights sleep ever. Karma snored so badly, I kicked him lots of times but it didn't stop it. I groan, rolling onto my back when the snoring starts again. I hit him with my pillow, repeatedly. The poor guy bolts awake, sitting upright and clutching his head. I attack again, with the pillow of course, letting my frustration out on the baffled idiot. "Stop!" He cries in a whiny voice. He's such a bitch. Makes sense that he got a Queen bed. Queen bed for a Queen. "You deserve it! You kept me up all night!" I retort, he moves and groans in discomfort, slipping his leg out of the covers to look at it. Its covered in bruises. Did I do that? He glares at me and I shrug "oops?" I say. He clutches his head again. "What happened?" He asks me. He asks me. how the hell do I know?! Am I psychic?  "Hold on.. Let me get my crystal ball.." I say sarcastically, he looks a bit hurt by my attitude. What does he expect? That he can go kiss girls and I'll be okay with it?

"Why are you so grumpy? Geez.." He rolls his eyes at me. I snap. "Why am I grumpy? WHY AM I GRUMPY HE ASKS! You kissed her Karma, and god knows what else after I left! You hurt me." He looks shocked. Real shock. I'm not sure if its at my response or he's remembering yesterday. His brows furrow as he meets my eyes "I'm sorry Nagi..she kissed me I was too shocked to push her away. When I told her I think I'm gay she took me for drinks, nothing happened." His face lights up, I'm confused as to why, I'm still fairly pissed at him. He lifts his jacket off the floor and hands me an envelope from his pocket. I stare at it, if he thinks that every time he screws up he can just get me a present and all will be forgotten? No. "For you, I got this for you yesterday morning while you where sleeping. I was gonna give it to you at dinner. Take whoever you want." He gets up and staggers to the bathroom. I tear open the envelope and read the words on the letter printed:

'Dear Mr Akabane,
Thank you for booking your Game Of Thrones tour.
Please arrive at City Centre at 09:15am on September 13th, bring suitable clothing and footwear. Meals will be provided.
We look forward to sharing this experience with you.'

I'm.. I.. Wow. We're going all the way to Ireland? I can't believe this.. The bathroom door opens and I bounce up, flinging myself on Karma. This is more than anyone has ever done for me in my life, I'm trying not cry but tears find their own way out. "T-thank you Karma-Kun!" I half scream at him. "I'm glad you like it." He says, leaning down to kiss my forehead but changes his mind and pulls back. "Will you go with me?" I ask as he climbs back into bed. Karma is the only person I wanna share this with, even if he did hurt me. "If I have too." He slurs, drifting off to sleep. Well I'm not gonna force him.. He's being weird. I'll let him sleep and ask about it later.


My ass hurts. Its numb. I've been binge watching SAO cause Karma is still sleeping but its 2pm now and I'm getting hungry. I walk over and poke him "Karma.. Wake up.." I say but of course he doesn't shift. "KARMA!" Still nothing, I start to panic. "Karma please wake up!!" I say frantically. A laugh erupts from the redhead as he opens his eyes, he covers his mouth as if it will take back the laugh. "Crap! I was hoping you'd attempt mouth to mouth!" I slap the perv. "If you wanted a kiss, you could have just asked you know." I say bending towards him. He grabs me and pulls me onto him but my knee makes contact with the bed frame and I cry out. Karma looks as if he's been stabbed, "Shit Nagi I'm sorry!" He says, lifting me on to the bed and examining my knee. He worries too much. Its really not even sore now. "It's fine Karma." I smile at him as he bends down to 'kiss it better'. I curse myself for wearing shorts. His lips feel too good on my skin. "Get up you dork!.. I'm hungry can we please go get food?" I say right as his stomach rumbles.


Karma took me to a restaurant. I hate restaurants, just cause i cant relax enough to enjoy my food. I take out Karma's iPod and plug mine in, skipping to a playlist of Anime songs. I click Unravel and dramatically I look out the window, sighing so Karma will notice. "Sup Nagi?" He asks. I sigh again "I just don't know if Kaneki will ever be happy.." I say, wiping the invisible tear from my cheek. Tokyo Ghoul is an epic show, even though they're making us wait even longer for the next season. "And you call me a dork.." Karma says and sticks his tongue out. "We're here!" I look out, I'm surrounded by a breath taking beauty, Karma included. He told me I'd love it here, and I do. We're on a small cliff that has a trail down to a waterfall, the water is so clear. He told me its healing water, although I'm not sure what we're here to heal. "Eh.. Karma.. We don't have anything to wear in the water." I state the obvious. He gives me a smirk, oh no. I already know what he's thinking. "We wear nothing, its just us here anyway." Its not other people I'm worried about! How can I be naked with Karma and keep my hands off him? "Okay.. Let me go first." I tell him and he nods. I make my way behind a tree and strip, poking my head out to make sure Karma isn't looking, he has his back to me so I plunge into the water. "Okay I'm in!" I shout up him. He strolls to me, stopping before the water and starts undressing. My eyes stayed locked with his as he pulls his shirt off, when he moves to his pants I break contact, suddenly finding the waterfall very interesting. I go over and stick my hand underneath it, the water is pretty warm. I hear Karma splash into the water. Keep your cool Nagisa!! I feel his hand on my back, with a slight shove he pushes me into the waterfall. When I stand back up he's laughing its so contagious so I laugh too.

We relax for about an hour, talking about Korosensei. Its starting to get dark now, I tell Karma we should leave soon. "We will. Come here." he says while pointing in front of him. I blush and walk to him, I've been keeping my distance from him, not wanting to get too close. As I reach him I slip on a rock and my forehead crashes into his chest. Nice going Nagisa, smooth as always! "did you just fall for me?" Karma jokes but I answer him seriously. "No that was years ago." He puts his hand on my neck, pulling me to him. "So I could have done this years ago?" He leans in and kisses me. Its a soft kiss that soon becomes heated, my hands explore his chest, each line fascinating to me and he puts his hands in my hair and tugs it a little. I moan into his mouth, i really like my hair being pulled, call it my kryptonite. He slips his hands to my hips, pulling me tight to him. I can feel every inch of him against me, but even that's not close enough for the redhead. Karma moves his hands to my ass, lifting me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He breaks the kiss and I take a deep breath. He continues on, sucking and biting my neck, "Karma.." I moan into his ear. He places small kisses up to my ear "If you keep moaning my name like that, I won't be able to stop myself.." He whispers. Do I want him to stop? No...


What Happens In College. (Karmagisa - Karma X Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now