Chapter 2

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"Karma.." I say in Karma's ear and I swear I almost lose it just at his scent. But i continue my sentence "..get out." I flop back down on my pillow. "get out I'm too tired." I say. He groans while getting out and going to his bed. I'm kinda sad to see him go but at least I can sleep now. How does he expect me to be able to sleep when his entire body is pushing against mine?


My alarm goes off pulling me from the pleasant dream I was having. It was just one of Korosensei but i miss him a lot. I arise from my bed and the first thing I see is Karma. His face buried into his pillow, one hand tucked under it and a leg half hanging out. Doesn't he watch horror films? I creep over to him, wrapping my hands around his ankle I pull hard. "Ahh!" He screams, falling to a heap on the floor. I laugh so hard I can't breathe, tears running down my face as Karma makes no effort to move. "That was a pretty girly scream Karma!" He still doesn't move. "Karma?" He's still sleeping?! How the hell did he sleep through that? I jump on him. His eyes snap open, I can tell he's wondering what's happening. I start to tickle him, at first he doesn't react but when I hit his sides he can't hold it in. The sound of his laughter stops me in my tracks. It's such a great sound to hear and its been so long since I heard it. I still can't believe that not only Karma is back in my life, but that I get to spend all my time with him. If I had only had this chance in high school. "Okay.. You can get off me now." Karma says, I blink at him feeling rejected, then I realise where I was sitting and what time of day it is. I get up and walk to the bathroom, hiding my blush.

I get ready for my day and make my way back out to Karma. He's ready and waiting for me. Our walk to Campus is quiet, Karma's not really a morning person. We separate to go to our classes, we hardly have any classes together.

I make my way to my first class, nervous at being mixed in with people I don't know. I sit at the front of the class because I need to do better in Science. The teacher calls on me too much, I feel like he's picking on me. I keep getting the answers wrong and the other students are laughing at me. When the bell rings, I jump up and rush out of class. Happy to avoid any comments that will get thrown my way.


The rest of my classes have went okay, I seem to be picking things up pretty quickly. It's now lunch and I make my way to the cafeteria. Kayano is waiting at the door for me. I hug her, so happy to see my best friend again. We get our food and she leads the way to our table. Rio, Karma, Isogai and Maehara are sitting with us. Everyone is talking at once, all trying to catch up. I actually don't get to say much. They're talking about relationships. Kayano and Rio both say they aren't interested in anyone, and I know its a lie on Kayano's part as she has already told me she likes Asano. Silly thing is, Asano likes her too and I've told her this but she thinks I'm joking. I smirk at her. "How about you Nagisa? Do you like someone?" I don't get the chance to answer before Rio opens her mouth. "Yeah he does, still the same as high school, right?" She says. My jaw almost hits the floor. How did she know? They are all looking at me, Karma has his head cocked to one side. "Who is it Nagi?" He asks, obviously curious. The bell rings and I silently thank god. "See ya later!" I shout, running off the my next class.


My classes pass so quickly after lunch. I'm thankful. I find myself walking through the hallway in a daze. My thoughts move to Karma and I can't help but smile. I pick up my pace so I can see him quicker. I make a quick stop at my locker to pick up my iPod. "Hey there cutie." I hear a husky voice say from behind me. I turn around, a tall man with short black hair and green eyes is staring at me. "Oh hi. I'm a guy." I say turning back to my locker. Sure, I have long hair, but I don't have the face of a girl. I still don't get how I can be mistaken sometimes. "I know. I'm Hideaki. What's your name?" He says. I'm pretty shocked that he's sticking around, I keep my guard up. "I'm Nagisa. I have to go, my friend is waiting." I shut my locker and start walking, he follows and to be honest, it kinda creeps me out. "Wait Nagisa, here." He says, handing me a piece of paper, flashing me a smile and then walking the other direction. I stare after him, he does have a nice ass. I put his number in my phone. Ya know, just in case. I decide to stop at the café to bring Karma back some Hot Chocolate. I figure we can watch a few films or game. It'll be a good night!

Excited flares in me as I near my room door. I burst through the door. "HONEY!! I'M HO-" I drop the hot chocolate on the floor, shocked by what I see. I wish I was born blind. Or just not born at all. "Nagi, I'm sorry I thought you were going to Kayano's after class." Karma says, covering himself and his blonde companion with my blanket. I turn around and slam the door, I don't know why I feel so hurt.. Karma isn't even mine. Still it hurts. The fact he had her in my bed angers me. I never gave it to him on purpose but Karma stole my heart, somewhere between the battle to kill or save Korosensei and dressing me like me a girl.

He always has a line of girls waiting for him. So I'm foolish to even think that there's a chance for us. I hear my phone, checking the time I realise I've been walking around for hours. The text is from Karma: 'Kasumi has left. Please come back. I'm sorry.' Oh so it has a name. I don't bother to reply, instead I text Hideaki asking him if he wants to meet up. He takes a few minutes to reply: 'Sure. My room is number 68, third floor, be here in 10 minutes(:' I don't like how he demands it, but I'm too pissed off to say anything about it, I just want to forget.

I arrive at Hideaki's door, I knock lightly and I hear a stumble before he opens it. "Hey Nagisa! I didn't expect you to call so quick.. Or at all really." He says, scratching his head. He really is cute in a manly sort of way. I step inside his room, he's got his game paused, as far as i can tell it's The Elder Scrolls. Good game. "If you're busy I can leave, I don't mind." I say, I can always go to Kayano's anyway. "No it's cool. Let's watch a film?" He asks, hope in his eyes.

"Sounds good!" I smile at him, he straightens out his bed before gesturing for me to sit. We watch The Goonies which is probably one of my favourite films ever. He has been so much fun, we laughed at silly things and he blushes when I stare at him for too long. "Thanks for a great night Hideaki. We should do this again." I say whilst putting on my shoes. "You can stay if you want too, I don't have a room mate yet." He says, looking a little awkward. I only just met this guy and I'm not stupid. "No thank you. But I'll see you tomorrow." I reply, closing the door behind me.

I enter my room quietly this time, I go straight to my bed and remove the sheets, replacing them with clean ones. I strip off my clothes and get in. My mind flows back to the scene I saw either. As my tears start to fall I put my headphones on. Going to the playlist titled 'Depressed Mood' I click on The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance.

Time passes and my eyes have dried, I take my headphones off and go to the bathroom.

Exiting the bathroom I switch off the light and make my way to bed. I look at Karma curled up in his bed, his phone still in his hand. He looks so innocent when he's sleeping, and I guess in this situation he IS innocent. It's not illegal for him to have sex with girls. The sad fact is that I was extremely jealous. I sigh, walking back to my bed. I think about letting Karma know how I feel.. I could drop hints and flirt a bit just so its crystal clear, wait for him to make a move.. That way our friendship won't get hurt. Yes, good plan! I'll start tomorrow.
I fall asleep thinking of ways I can make Karma want me.

Thank you for reading! ❤

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