Chapter 14

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"So what do you want to do today?" Karma asks once I've finished my breakfast. "I'm not sure what there is to do around here." I shrug, honestly I'm happy with just staying home. "I want to get a puppy." He says and I pause. So he wants a puppy for him not for me, that's so cute! I get up and look for the leaflet he gave me, I search the kitchen for it but I cant remember were it is. When I turn around to ask Karma he has a smirk planted across his face as he holds the leaflet towards me. "Really Karma? You couldn't see I was looking for that?" I ask sarcastically and snatch the paper from him. "But it was so cute watching you Nagi-Chan!" Karma exclaims. I hate that nickname so much.  "Damn it Karma you can be such a.. bitch sometimes!" I regret my choice of words immediately as he pulls me onto his lap, into a hug. "Well you know they say Karma's a bitch, right?" He teases. I ignore him and his terrible pun.  "So do you know where this place is?" I ask and he nods, he's clearly thought this through. Resting my head on his shoulder I sigh "okay, if you're sure.. let's go."

On the drive to the animal sanctuary I gaze out at the scenery, its flat in places and then hilly in others, but beautiful regardless. I see a lot of remembrance grounds, for the troops lost in world war 2.

As we drive in the gates of the sanctuary my stomach knots. How are we supposed to go into a place full of animals and only take one dog home? Karma on the other hand, he's got a huge grin on his face.

"Welcome! I'm Sharon!" A lady greets us as we exit the van, her English is easy to understand. "Hello! I rang you yesterday about picking out a puppy, I'm Karma and this is Nagisa." Karma tells the lady as she shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you Nagisa. Now what kind of dog would you like? We have many dogs but not so many puppies." Sharon asks, I let karma do all the talking. "Id like a dog around one year old or below, a large breed if possible. I'd be happy knowing Nagisa is not home alone at times and has a companion and protector." Karma says and grabs my hand. I stare at him dumbfounded. He wants to get a dog to protect me? From what? And why will he be gone sometimes? Karma squeezes my hand sensing my uneasiness. I focus back on what Sharon is saying. "Today I will introduce you to Muggles he's a Japanese Akita, a breed to have a bad name for themselves. But as I always say its never the dog that's bad, its the owner! If you bring Muggles up well, he will make a very good companion." Sharon says as she walks towards a building. The closer we get the more I freak out, I can't go in there and see all these animals that have ended up here for some reason. I halt to a stop. "What's wrong?" Karma and Sharon ask in unison. "I can't..go in and see them all.. I can't." I tell them, who knew I'd be so sensitive about this? "Ah sweetie its fine I will bring Muggles out to you." I sigh in relief as Sharon disappears into the building.

All of my worries disappear though as I see Muggles making his way to us. He's up to my knee, black and cream fur. He's really sweet. As I bend down to stroke him he jumps up and knocks me over, I laugh as he licks my face. I look up at Karma who looks a little pissed that the puppy ignored him. Once muggles has calmed down I pick myself up. "It's ironic that there's a dog called Muggles since in Harry Potter Muggles are people." I say, smiling when Karma finally gets Muggles over to him. "Ah yes, the last couple said that too. Seems he likes you." Sharon says making me gasp. "You mean, people came to see him and didn't take him home? How? He's perfect." I say in disbelief. Sharon smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. "My dear not everyone is as genuine as they seem. If you are happy with Muggles, there is a few rules we need to discuss. Please follow me."

After an hour of sorting through paper work we can finally take our new family member home. The rules are basically inspection, surprise visits, monthly checks from the vet etc.. For the first 6 months. Everything to unsure muggles is being cared for.

I look at the large puppy who's asleep on the back seat. Its a good thing we have a van cause he'd be too cramped in a car. "Karma how are you driving? And when do we have to give the van back?" I ask, suddenly curious. "I lived here for a while a few years back, and I didn't tell you but the van is ours to keep." Karma tells me, I'm still confused. "Do you have a license?" I ask hoping for a better answer. "Yes Nagi I do."

I must have fell asleep on the journey because something wet wakes me up. "Ughh" I moan and push the thing away. It whimpers. Muggles. My eyes snap open when I remember him. "Hey boy!" I pat his head. "So we're at the pet store to get everything he needs.. Do you want to come in?" Karma says. He looks very tired. "Karma I can go in and get everything, why don't you stay here with Muggles?" I ask. "Sounds good Nagi, here is some money." He says and hands me a fair amount of Euros. How can he be handing me hundreds of euros? How does he afford it? I sigh and exit the van.

I must have been staring at beds for too long because a man comes to help me. "I need a bed for a Japanese Akita." I tell him and he picks me out a brown mattress type bed. '€45' Its just flat, nothing really special about it. But its the best one here so I take it. I fill the trolley with treats, food and toys and even a nice collar set, I make my way to the check out.

The trolley is really hard to push, but I eventually make it back to the van. I'm about to tap Karma's window to tell him to open the boot. I stop though, when I see my sleeping boyfriend and our puppy sleeping on his knee like a child.
As if Muggles knew I was staring he jumps awake. Karma sees me and gives me a strange look. He's acting kinda weird since we got Mugs. "Can you pop the boot please?" I can hear Karma grunts as he pops it. What's up with him? He wanted a puppy I really don't get the issue.
I pack the things away and get back into the van, only to be met with silence the entire journey home.

Once home and everything put away I decide to take Muggles for a walk. I'll be glad to get out of the dark aura surrounding Karma. "I'm going for a walk!" I shout as I exit the house.

After a long and peaceful walk around a cemetery I found, I start to walk back home. I think I'll see if Karma is okay. I don't like it when he's so quiet.
As I round the corner to our house I see Karma has lit the fire.

"Honey I'm home!" I shout into the house. "I'm in the small room!" Karma shouts out at me, I let Muggles off his lead and go to Karma, he's turned the small room into a place for muggles. "Wow this is per-" I start to say but Karma's kiss cuts me off. He places light kisses on my face and I can't help but giggle. "Come with me.." He covers my eyes and leads me to what I think is the kitchen. I can already smell the food. "For you!" Karma says excitedly as I take in what he's done. When did Karma become so romantic? I look at the candlelit table, laid with food, for all courses, even wine. "Karma.." I am so in love with this man. "Nagi.. I'm sorry for the times lately I have been quiet. I've been wanting to ask you something but the truth is that I'm expecting you to leave any moment.. I still can't believe you are here. It seems too good to be true." He says, his voice is filled with pain. I almost break down just seeing him like this. "Karma.. Shut up. I'm not going to leave you, ever! I want you! No I need you. I wanna spend my life with you.. That is the one thing I'm sure of. What did you wanna ask?" I half shout at him. It seems that's the only thing that gets through to Karma sometimes. "Okay Nagisa, shall we eat?"

"Ah Karma I can't eat anymore!" I whine as Karma sets a dessert down in front of me. Its chocolate though.. No shut it brain! "Just try it, I'm gonna eat mine." Karma says, doesn't he realise I'm small? I can't eat as much as him! I watch Karma as he eats and I pick at mine. "So what's the plan now? I mean do we get jobs? How do we afford things?" I ask. Honestly this has been bothering me for a while now. Karma wipes his mouth and looks at me in a way I don't like, like he's plotting world domination. "Well.. We have money for a while but eventually I will get a job, yes, but you will be a house wife." Wife? I swear I'm gonna stab him with this damn fork. "That'll be hard, considering I'm not female and we are not married." I scoff at him. It only entertains Karma more. "Let's fix that." He smirks. "Karma I can't fix being a male." I sigh getting pissed at the redhead. "I meant marriage." Karma simply says, as if he's telling me there's no milk left. "EH?! What?! We can't get married! We haven't even been together that long!" I answer. What is he thinking? We can't be thinking of marriage this soon. What's next adoption? "So? You just said you want t spend your life with me.. What's the issue? We'll have to get married someday.." Karma pushes it further. He's right.. No! This is too soon.. I try to open my mouth, to say no, to say anything, but my mouth fails me. "Marry me, Nagisa?" I bolt out of my chair, leaving behind a very hurt Karma.


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