Chapter 9

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I feel the anger building inside me. What exactly did Kasumi and Karma do? That bastard told me they didn't do anything. I open the text, deciding to do some investigating. 'What do you mean Kasumi?' I ask and she replies instantly, 'oh you can't have forgotten already, you were loving it.' I throw Karma's phone at him. He wakes up with a ow giving me a confused look. I grab a few things and shove them into a bag, then I exit the room with a bang. I can't go to Kayano's room because that bitch stays there too.

I find myself in front of Hideaki's door, I don't know if he'll be up at this hour but I knock anyway.

I'm about to walk away when the door opens, a sleepy looking Hideaki appears. "Nagisa?" He asks rubbing his eyes. "Can I sleep here? My room mate is sick." I lie. "Sure, come in. I'll just sort out the bed for you." He says, he's nice isn't he? I don't know Hideaki very well but I feel like I can trust him. Hideaki makes up my bed, sacrificing his own blanket for me. "You keep the blanket I'll sleep in my clothes." I tell him. He smiles at me "you look like you need a good sleep Nagisa." He gives the blanket back to me. I burst into tears at the small gesture. I quickly pull myself together. "You wanna talk about it?" He asks, hugging me. I freeze at his contact. I pull back from him. "I..I just feel down tonight, it'll pass." I answer him, stepping back to put distance between us. He smiles but I see he's hurt from my rejection of his touch. "Sweet sleep Nagisa." He says getting into his bed.
I put my headphones on hoping sleep will induce me.


I hardly slept at all last night, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking about the experience I had with Karma. I was furious, but still those moments flickered through my head, the gleam in his eyes, the moans, the way he... I knock my thoughts down. I get up and head to the shower room, its pretty early so it shouldn't be busy. Stripping off and putting my clothes in the locker I make my way to the shower, its empty in here. Turning the hot water on I lavish in it, washing karma off me.. Is it wrong that I'm sad about that?


Once I'm clean I go back to Hideaki's room. I hope he has a hair dryer. "Hey!" I say as I walk in his door. He jumps. "Nagisa! I forgot you were coming here!" He says. "Do you have a hairdryer?" I ask, pleaseeeeee let him have one. "In the drawer there." He replies, I look at him bewildered, he has short hair why on earth does he need this? "Ex girlfriend. Don't ask." He says as if answering my thoughts.

I dry my hair and put it in my usual style, we walk to campus together. "So are you feeling better today?" Hideaki asks. I smile at him, he's got such a nice soul. "Yeah! Thanks! I told you it will pass." I assure him. We split up and head to our lockers, I quickly change my mind when I see a redhead waiting at mine. I arrive at math class, silently cursing when I remember Karma is in this class. "Hi!" I look up to see Rio. "You look as bad as Akabane, did you have your first fight?" She asks, only half joking. "Ah.. Something like that.. Sit next to me?" I say to her.

"No I'll sit there." A grumpy voice says from behind Rio, she goes pale and mouths me a good luck. Karma sits next to me and I move as far away as possible. He looks horrible, like sleep is a myth to him.  "Its not what you th-" he starts but the glare I give him stops him in his tracks. "Shut up." I say and put my earphones in until class starts. I flick through Facebook bored, its the usual boring crap of selfies and dumbass comments. Karma nudges me and points to the front of the class.

Finally let's get this lesson over with.

My brain hurts from all those numbers. It feels like I've jumped in the deep end. Maybe its because of the drama with Karma that I feel stressed about math. When the bell goes I'm more than happy to leave, I get up and rush to my next class before karma can say anything.

I'm not sure why but I chose Art as one of my classes, I'm not even that good at it.  I see Hideaki and go to the seat next to him. I sneak a peek at what he's doing, its a Gothic piece, much to the style of Victoria Frances, a vampire queen draining the blood of a innocent. Its very good. I compliment him, he blushes and continues on. Today we are practicing shading, which is the only thing I'm good at. I draw a tree but compared to the others, its like a preschoolers attempt.


Its now lunch. I hesitantly go to the cafeteria, Kayano is waiting at the door for me. "Hey Nagisa!" She greets me. I must look miserable because she hugs me. "What's wrong?" I just fake a smile at her. I'll tell her later but I don't want to get into it here. I don't get anything to eat, don't feel like it. Once sat at the table I notice Karma isn't here. I talk to Maehara, its nice to finally catch up with him. He seems to be a bit more uptight now. "Enjoying being with Karma again?" He asks randomly. I can't help but blush. "Didn't mean to embarrass you.." He says, scratching the back of his head. "Oh its okay.. Just its weird having him back after all this time, ya know?" I say. He nods "like he never left.. Where is he anyway?" Maehara asks, too loudly. Kayano hears him "with Kasumi." She tells us. They all stare at me. Is my hurt expression that obvious? My heart breaks all over again. I'm gonna hurt that bastard. "I forgot something.." I say getting up and walking away. Alright Karma, two can play at this game.

Thank you

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