Chapter 9

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Papi and I looked around then back at Nicki , She was looking around with a confused facial expression. She turned towards us holding up a finger, I'm guessing she got a hint.

"Ok, I know we're very far from home" I nodded and Papi smiled and adjusted his eyes to the light looking up at Nicki.

"Very, very far." I hinted

She bit her lip thinking. Me and Papi watched as she turned around then looked back at us "Meek!!" She gasped. I crossed my arms and waited for her to catch on "Rihmeek!!" She screamed in excitement "We're in California?!!"

"Yep, We are." I grinned and she ran & jumped in my arms wrapping her legs around my waist with her arms around my neck.

"Oh my god!! How did you do this so fast?" She asked as we watched them bring our bags into the truck that we were going to be driving in.

"Well Papi helped me come up with bringing you here and I sort of did the rest." I said as she got down off of me getting down to Papi level.

"So you're the little genius?" She said to him lightly pinching his cheeks.

"That I am." Papi said cockily then brushing off his shoulder making me smack my lips and Nicki giggled.

"Well thank you sir." She kissed his forehead

"You welcome ma'am." He returned the kiss to her forehead

"Oh my god I'm so excited to be here!!" She said coming up to her regular height.. Which was too far from papi.

"You ready to enjoy California with me and Papi?" She nodded fast and pecked my lips a couple of times. I stole an extra one making her blush.

"You're so adorable." I said making her blush even more and her deep dimples came out.

"This is going to be so fun , I can't wait Rihmeek."

"I know this our first time here too Tanya , So let all three of us enjoy it together." she nodded "A stress free trip." She nodded again as she grabbed Papi hand before walking to the truck.

I watched as they walked off. Papi on the left with Nicki on the right. They were holding hands. They made small conversation, I saw papi laugh and hug her waist and Nicki rested her arm around his shoulder as they continued to the truck.

"Damn I'm lucky to have them two in my life." I say to myself just before getting into the truck with them

Pulling into this huge driveway I looked around then back at meek with tears rolling down my cheek "This is beautiful rihmeek" I said hugging him

He hugged me back before I pulled away to take another and longer look.

"Cool!" Papi said looking around in amazement like me.

"Glad y'all like it." Meek said

"You found this ... Last minute wow meek." I smiled

"Really I'm the plug." He chuckled

The first thing a saw was the big pool sitting in front of the glass house. Stairs led to to pool. The trees gave it a relaxing mode. The lights reflecting on the pool was absolutely gorgeous. I could see the inside of the house which I found cute. You couldn't see Inside the bedrooms and stuff in that sort and I found that even better. The balcony was decorated greatly, the furniture.. oh god this place is amazing.

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