{Chapter 20}

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C R Y S T A L ' S P O V

"Please take it easy when you go back to Hogwarts Crystal. You're still not 100% better." Tonks said during breakfast.

"Why am I going back if I'm not better yet? Professor McGonagall will have a fit." I said as I took a bite of my toast.

"She's the one who wanted you back. You're not going to classes for the rest of the week, but you'll still get school work to complete."

I nodded and continued eating.

"You know, Christmas is in a few days. What did you want?" Tonks asked me.

I thought about it for a minute.

"The Yule Ball is on Christmas Day, I mean, I could buy you a dress-"

"Did you think I was actually going to go to the Yule Ball?"

"Why not?"

"First of all, I don't really want to go. Second of all, I don't have a date to go with."

"Ginny's going with Neville."

"So I heard."

A silence fell across the room for a short while before Tonks challenged me to a 'hair colour off.'

"You're on!"

Blue, to pink, to purple, to green, to red, to brown, to black, to blonde, to turquoise, every colour you could think of, we covered.

A smirk played across my face as I changed my eyes to red all while changing my hair colour back and forth. It gave Tonks a fright and she stopped for a few seconds before she realised what I had done.

"You dirty cheat." She deadpanned.

I just laughed.

"Alright well, you were supposed to back at Hogwarts by 10, and its 20 past. We're late." Tonks said.

I nodded and stepped into the fireplace.

Tonks stepped in beside me and we used the floo network to get to Hogwarts.


"Ah, hello Miss Potter, Nymphadora." Dumbledore greeted us.

"Hello Headmaster." I smiled back.

"Good to see you're in a better state then what you left in."

"Yes, I feel much better, thank you."

"It is not a problem. Now, you may see yourself to your common room while Nymphadora and I have a chat. Good day Miss Potter."

"Good day."

I gave Tonks one last hug and left to my common room.

I could hear people screaming up and down the halls, Filch was yelling at students, and the footsteps echoed through the halls.

"Miss Potter." I heard the familiar voice of Professor McGonagall behind me.

I turned around and there she stood, her hair tied up tightly in a bun, her lips pressed together sternly.

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