Stupid ship

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Dear diary thing,  the Jasper broke my computer, so now I have to use old fashion pen and paper. The human style. I'm on my way to the Planet Earth to complete the cluster formation that the Peridot failed. I'm on a ship right now. It's pretty CLUSTER-ed right now! Heh. Anyways, the Peridot soon went rouge after she directly disobeyed Yellow Diamond, she joined the rebel  forces. I can't wait to see what Earth is like. I have to go, the Jasper is REALLY bugging me.

"What?! What do you want Jasper?!" I yell at Jasper. It's been pestering me for the past five minutes. "Are you steering the ship in the right course?" Jasper asks. "Uh, duh! I'm not stupid!" That's just what Earth looks like!" I yell back at it. "Why are we going so fast! Slow down or we'll crash!" She (imma call it a she) bursts into the control room. "Umm about that-" "what?! What's going on?!" She yells at me before I could finish. "The controls are broken... WERE GONNA CRASH!!!" Now I'm panicked. I can't get stuck on Earth, I still have so many jobs to do back in homeworld! What am I gonna do! "Oh, GET TO THE ESCAPE POD! GO GO GO" I yell at Jasper. "You don't have to tell me twice." She says under her breath. We get in and imedietly launch ourselves twords orbit. "Shoot, Jaspers still on the ship." I say to no one in particular as I look beside me. "Well, there's no going back now. It looks like im heading for a beach. Huh. I decide to take out my 'diary' because it's gonna be a long ride.

Dear diary, the ship is about to crash, but I successfully made it to the escape pod. Jasper didn't make it though. I'm on my way to Earth. And who knows what I'll find?

(Sorry for the short chapter but I ran out of ideas of the ship and I thought Thad be a good place to end the chapter. Anyways, I'll see you guys, in the next chapter!)

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