See You Later, Or Never, My Fellow Trashcans

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Hello everyone, today is a sad day. The day I've feared for a while now. Yesterday, December 14, 2017, Congress and the FCC voted to repeal Net Neutrality, and the repeal is in place. Over the next 60 days our internet lives will become more expensive and limited. And because this also goes for Wattpad, I do not know if my family will be up for paying enough for me to get here, from an internet package, so this may be my last say. But because of this fact, I will try and update a lot more. Try. I hope to see all of you beautiful trashcans later, and good luck. Take action. Protest. I just fear that things may get violent, and that Is not what I want. I want the government to hear our cries through voice, not action. Do what you can, and tell others.

Steven x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now