Kindergarden meet up

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As soon as the beam of light disappeared, I found myself in the kindergarden. 'I might as well get to work' you thought. "Why did they have to send ME on this mission?" You complained out loud. You walk over to where you were supposed to enter the control room. You just stand there.  After a minute or two, the ground shifted, and started moving downward. "Finally." You moaned.   You started to work. You didn't care about the Rebels. They problebly didn't know where you were. Just when you started getting a ryrhem to your work. A voice rang out behind you. "Stop! Stop this emedietly!" You stopped, and slowly turned around. It was the perma-fusion that betrayed homeworld. And a pearl, a fancy pearl, a defective Amethyst, a Peridont without inhancors, a lapis, and, a, human? What was a human doing here? You were shaking. You couldn't defend yourself! You couldn't summon your wepon very well! The human looked you in the eyes. "Wait guys! She's scared!" The human boy said. He walked up to you, and stuck out a hand. You flinch, thinking he was gonna hit you. "Hi, I'm Steven!" He said. I'm- I'm Emerald....." You don't take his hand. "Do you know what you're doing? By raising the Cluster?!" The pearl spoke up. "Y-yeah. But I-I don't want to. But if I don't, th-they'll punish me again." You explained.  "Can-can you tell the perma-fusion," the Peridot chuckled for some reason. "To get rid of h-her wepon? P-please?" You stutter. The perma-fusion imedietly de summoned its weapons. "Here, come with us! You can be whoever you want! We'll protect you!" The human spoke up again. He stuck out his hand again. 'Do I really want to do this? What about homeworld?' The words 'we'll protect you' echoed over and over in your head. You take his hand. He smiled at you. You were the same hight, I could tell he was used to looking up at people. You and the Rebels walked back to the warp pad.

(Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating either of my storys in a while! I've been soooooo busy. I hope if you can forgive me! And if you have questions for any of the characters, put them in the comments, and they'll answer them! Anyways, I'll se you guys, in the next chapter.)

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