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You summon your gun. Everyone stares at you in suprise. "What?" You ask the others. "I didn't know you had a weapon." Steven says. "Well, it's hard for me to summon." You explain. You get an "oh" from Steven. Pearl charges. "Let go of Steven!" She yells as she raises and lowered her spear. Steven used his shield to defend you. The others relax. "Steven!" She sounds mad. She sighs. "Sorry." She apologizes. "Wait. You said you had a hard time summoning your weapon, right?" She looks at you with hope. "Well, yeah but I have several guns. Each one more powerful than the last. The more powerful, the harder to summon." You explain. "Plus I have bad aim." You finish. Everyone nods. "You can come train! I train Steven and Connie every week! You could start coming too!" Pearl suggests. Everyone broke off into their own conversations at this point. If didn't take you long to decide. "Yeah! This is gonna be so fun!" Steven and Connie agree with you. Pearl told you everything you need to know about the training. You, Steven, and Connie would go once a week to train with Pearl. You'd train with your weapon, and how to summon your more powerful weapon. Once a months you would battle eachother all at once. You don't know what the winner gets though. This was gonna be the best thing ever!

-The next day-

"(Y/N)! Come on!" "We're gonna be late!" Steven and Connie bang on your door. "Ugg fine! But I'm getting food!" You climb out of bed and open the door. "No need we already got some!" Steven points to the backpack strapped to his shoulders. "Ok." You walk over to where Connie and Steven were. Steven grabs your hand and interlocks his fingers with yours. Pearl coughs from the warp pad. You both let go. "Are you three ready? Pearl asks. You all nod and climb on the warp pad. You were sucked up into the beam of light. You appears in what seems to be like a sky arena. "This is the Sky Arena. Where you will be training with the others." Pearl explains to you. "Of course it's a little destroyed because Steven and Anathyst had a fight." She looks over at Steven, and you chuckle." (Y/N), you go first and show me what you can do." Pearl instructs.  You walk over to the middle of the arena like she said. "Ok but I'm no good. So don't laugh." You say as a hologram appears in front of you. You summon your weakest gun. You shoot, you miss. You shoot, you miss. You do that two more times then you finally hit a holo-Pearl. "Yes!" You were proud of yourself. The holo-Pearls disappeared. "Good job (Y/N)!" Pearl says. Steven and Connie gives you high fives. You continue to train. The other two worked so well together. 'I'll never be as good as them' you think. "Ok kids! Now we're going to work with fusion fighting! Steven, Connie. Please show (Y/N) how to fuse. I believe you haven't fused before right?" I shake my head no. Steven and Connie start to dance apart, then they start dancing together. Then they fuse into eachother?! They turn into someone who looks like both of them in one. "Hey! I'm Stevonnie!" The fusion sticks out her hand, and you shake it. "Now. Try fusing with me." Pearl says. She's graceful, and youre rugged when youre dancing. You somehow get in-sync, and fuse into eachother. You create  a biggish blue girl with green log wavy hair. Your fusion weapon was a gun who shoots spears instead of light bullets. You had four arms and four eyes. You wore a black shirt with a star in the middle, with green leggings. You were barefoot. "Woah." You look through the fusions eyes, and move through the fusions arms. "Uvarovite! That's our name!" The fusion says. You don't know how you already know your name. You and Stevonnie battle. Our long ranged weapon is no use, so Uvarovite uses a bazooka, summoned with the added power of fusion, and a LARGE spear. Uvarovite wins.  You unfused and hang out the rest of the day.

(Next chapter is the last chapter in so sorry to say. I hopes you enjoyed! You da best!)

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