Connie's jealousy

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You hear a knock at the door. "I'm here!" A female voice calls out as a little girl opens the door. She looks like a regular human, exept for the giant pink sword on her back. "Steven, where-""Over here Connie!" He interrupts 'Connie'. "Oh hey! What's up? And who are these three?" She points behind him at you, Lapis, and Peridot. "This is Peridot," Points to Peridot. "This is Lapis," he points to Lapis. "And this is (Y/N), she wanted to have a human name like me!" You wave at Connie. "Cool! Hi, I'm Connie." She stares at you with squinted eyes. "I thought we could all hang out together!" Steven yells out. "That sounds awesome!" You say running and chasing Steven out the door. The other three follow. You and Steven slow down so the others catch up. Connie comes over to you. "So, you and the others are the new Crystal Gems?" She asks you. "Uh yeah I guess." You reply, wondering why she's asking you stuff like this. "What do you think of Steven?" She stops to look at you. "What? Well- uh- he's...... Uhm." You try to grind the right words. "I don't know." You finally find the right words. You feel something weird in your face. (Lol) It feels.... hot. "Your blushing." She says. "What does that mean?" You ask her, confused. "It happens when your embarrassed, or your talking about someone, you like. Like, LIKE like." You feel your face become more hot. "Is that what this face heat is?" You ask her as you continue walking. "Yes." Is all she says to you. "HURRY GUYS." You can faintly hear Steven call to you and Connie from a boardwalk. We ran up to meet the others. You see a bunch of machines in front of you. "What do these machines do?" You ask Steven and Connie. "They're rides! We ride on them!" Steven says enthusiastically. He grabs your hand as well all lapis's and drags you both into the area the other humans call 'FunLand'. Steven was laughing. He stopped infront of a big machine with tracks and several cars ATTATCHED to eachother. "It's a rollercoaster!" Steven explains when he notices you staring at it. Everyone climbs onto the cars. It blasts off at super high speeds, swinging you up and down and upside down. And down huge slopes. It was awesome. When you all got off, Steven barfed. 

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