A city on the beach

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I wake up to find myself on a beach, and  my escape pod broken behind me. "It sounds like it came from over here!" (Yes there will be Undertale references, sorry) I hear a voice say. I can see a little wooden house in a cliff. And a little, human? With his, sisters? Wait. They come closer, 'ONG THEIR THE REBLE GEMS!!!' I think to myself. I scramble to my feet and run. There's a warp pad on the beach. 'Sweet' I run straight for it. "ITS A GEM!" I can hear on of the rebels say. "Do you think it came from the crashed ship? We did find a Jasper by itself..." It continued. That's the last thing I heard before I warped to the kindergarden.

(Bonus POV so this chapeter isn't so short!)


"Where'd she go?" I asked when I turned to Garnet Amethyst Pearl Peridot and Lapis. "We don't know Steven, but if we don't catch her...." Pearl trailed off. "She could be trouble." Garnet finished her thoughts. I was about to say something until I got a call. 'It's problebly connie' you check the screen. CONNIE was written across it. CALL-Ed it. Hehe. I picked up. "Hey Connie! What's up?" I asked. "There's ANOTHER alien spaceship?! This ones closer to the city!" She sounded not-as-freaked out as last time. "I know, I know, we're trying to clean it up, but we found another gem and her escape pod. Unpoofed. She could do something bad." I reassured her, kinda. "Ok.... Be careful." And with that, she hung up. "If you're done playing around, I can tell you why she's here." Peridot broke my cosentration. "What! Why! Do you know where she went." Pearl was all worked up. "Calm down pearl." Me and Amethyst both said in unison. "Jinx!" Amethyst yelled out. "Hey! Shut it!" Peridot snapped at us. "She's here to replace me on the Cluster mission. So she most likely went to the kindergarden." Peridot revealed. "Then what are we waiting for!" Amethyst yelled. "Let's go get her!" I look twords the warp pad. 'She's different, that look on her face when she saw Earth.....' I pushed away the thought. "Ok, c'mon, we don't have all day." Lapis interrupted my thoughts. "Alright! Mission!" I laughed and ran twords the warp pad. 'Mabey I can meet a new friend!'

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