Another one of Lions secrets

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We were all running around the city, me and Steven, and the other gems were in pairs as well. The Pearl came with us too for some reason. It was a wild goose chase, until, we finally found Lion. "Lion!" Steven exclaimes as you watch him run twords his lion. Steven jumps up abd wrap his arms around lion. They spin in a circle, then, they started to, fuse. "What?!" You yell in confusion. When the light died down, all that was left standing there was a tall lady with big, long, pink curly hair and a pink layered dress. "R-rose?" The Pearl stammered, tears eyed. "Pearl? Where- where's Steven? Where's lion?" She asked looking around, con-FUSED! Heh, you never missed an opportunity for a good pun. "Oh, they fused. Didn't they?" She asked. She finally noticed me. "Who's this?" She asks Pearl, staring at you. The Pearl didn't seem to be able to speak, so you spoke up. "I'm Emerald. Although I have a human name is prefer to go by. I'm (Y/N)." You tell the super tall gem. "Rose what's going on? How? What?" The Pearl started to freak out. "Pearl, it's ok. On one of my missions, I found a lion, almost dead. So, I put half of myself into the lion to save him. I kept him secret, to keep everyone safe. Steven had the other half of me when I gave birth to him. Oh, where's Greg?!" She finished and starts looking around. "Uhm, Steven gave me his number just incase....." You pipe up. "Can you call him and tell him to hurry over here?" She asks you, she sounded despret, so you say yes. "Thank you." She puts a hand on your shoulder as you pull out your new cell that you also got from your new room. You call Greg and tell him to meet you by the light house, something has happened. He agreed to meet you and the others up there. You also call everyone else, who got a cellphone just to be able to get to Steven in emergencys. After about five minutes, he walks up the hill drinking a soda. "What's up Emerald-" he stops himself as he looks up at the woman. He drops his soda, and it spills all over the ground. "Rose?" He asked, dumbfounded. "Hello Greg." Is all the pink woman says in response.

(Told you you would hate me! And thanks for your ideas for my next chapters @Shipper100 ! And just sayin... 100+READS?!?! I never thought my story would ever get this popular. Thank you so much! Anyways, I'll see you guys, in the next chapter.)

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