Chapter 2: Morning Madness

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Disclaimer: The truth is... I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

P.S. Yet again, I have to give credit to the freeloader, Xanxus666, who helped create this story.


It was a beautiful morning in Namimori. The sun was shining through the clouds, the birds were chirping, and the flowers were in full bloom. People walked to work or school, enjoying the slight breeze. It was simply a wonderful way to start the day.

Except in a certain hitman's household.



"Maa~ Maa~ Guys calm down."


In the living room, two teenagers could be seen fighting each other, bloodthirst in the air. The sounds of their weapons clashing echoed in the room, leaving a chilling feeling in all who heard it. Both were intent on destroying not only each other, but everything in their path.

Strangely, or maybe normally in this house, someone was on the sidelines cheering them on. The only reason they didn't join in as well was thanks to their younger sister who had an iron hold on them. 

None of them noticed the girl watching them in exasperation at the bottom of the stairs. Knowing who was about to wake up, she made her way back to her room to get dressed.

A handsome, Italian man laid on his bed, staring tiredly at the ceiling. 'It's times like these where I regret adopting every single one of them.' Releasing a sigh, the man stood up and got ready for the day. 

After stepping out of the comfort of his room, he made his way downstairs to where all the commotion was. He took that time to remove his signature fedora and run his hand through his hair in an attempt at taming it. Replacing the fedora back on his head, he made sure to be mindful of his little partner resting on it the whole time.

Arriving at the bottom of the staircase, the man got a full view of what remained of his house- following in the wake of his brats. To put it simply, it was a War Zone.

As soon as Lambo decided to provoke Hayato about stealing said person's food, Hayato decided to bring out his mini bombs and throw them at Lambo. In retaliation, Lambo brought out his grenades. So, together, they demolished the kitchen and the dining room while still going at it.

Takeshi was standing off to the side. Laughing as he cut down any bombs that happened to stray towards him. 

One glance into the living room told him all he needed to know was that you could no longer call it as such.

Getting tired of all the stupidity in the air, the man let his partner, Leon, crawl into his hand and morph into a gun. Aiming at the ceiling, he pulled the trigger twice. At the noise the gun made, everyone in the house immediately stopped what they were doing. They all straightened, backs rippling with tension, which gave the bombs in the air a direct path towards their intended targets. In skilled precision, the man shot any and all fuses on the bombs making them drop uselessly to the floor.

Takeshi was the first to come to his senses. "Yo, Reborn."

"I apologize Reborn-san, but it was the stupid cow's fault."


The man, now identified as Reborn, gave a quick nod in acknowledgment. "You idiots should go get ready for school, or else you'll be late. I don't tolerate getting calls about your tardiness," he said sharply.

The three quickly went to their rooms, of course, the usual bickering never stopped. With the exception of Takeshi, who kept a (creepy as Hayato calls it) smile on his face.

Reborn walked to the other side in swift strides, only to show the living room in all its destroyed glory. Ignoring it like the professional he is, his attention focused on the girl to his right. Trying *coughfailingcough* to drag her brother into the 'dining rooms' direction.

Reborn grabbed said boy by his collar before asking, "Why is Ryohei unconscious?"

Following him, the biological sister of Ryohei, Kyoko, smiled brightly. "Ah, good morning Reborn-kun. One of Kyoya-san's tonfas accidentally hit Onii-chan on the head."

'Doubt it was an accident.' "So, where did he and Mukuro go to?"

"Kyoya-san went to school already. He said he wanted to make sure no one was violating the rules, or else he would bite the herbivores to death."

'Tch. Pretty obvious for that one. Hope he doesn't think he can avoid punishment for the destroyed living room because none of them will.'

"And I think Mukuro-kun went back to his room."

At the top they split up with Kyoko going to her room and Reborn standing in front of Ryohei's. Without hesitation, Reborn slapped him until he regained consciousness.

"That EXTREMELY hurt!"

In response, Reborn gave a blank stare.

"Oh, EXTREMELY good morning Reborn!"

"Get ready. And be down in 10 minutes," he said loud enough for everyone to hear. Then he made his way downstairs to prepare all their bentos.

They had a schedule set for school mornings that should be followed down to the last detail. A lie to be honest, every day something happened because chaos loves to follow them. Not something he bothered to change, routine could be the death of them, and he refused to allow that to happen.

Anyways, each one of them had to be awake before 6 o'clock and could not be late for school. They had to make sure they ate a good breakfast or else Reborn would have a little 'talk' with them. On their way out, they'd pick up their bentos Reborn had made for them that morning. Sometimes with the help of the girls or Takeshi. Of course, Reborn had Kyoya's already made. He understood the boy left early in the mornings to keep the peace at Nami-chuu. Only delayed if he caught sight of Mukuro.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Mukuro and Chrome were the first to come down the stairs.

"Kufufufu, Arcobaleno."

"Good morning Hitman-san."

In return, Reborn gave a nod with his usual smirk plastered on his face. As soon as those two left the house, the other major annoyances came down into the 'kitchen.'

"Why can't you drop off the idiot cow, Reborn-san?"

"Shut up Baka-Dera!"

"You little-"

"Maa~ Maa~ Hayato. It's not all that bad."

"I wasn't talking to you, baseball freak! And who said you could call me that?!"

"I enjoy walking Lambo to the elementary, don't you Onii-chan?"

"It is EXTREMELY fun Kyoko!"

Reborn inwardly sighed as he handed the bentos over to the group. "It doesn't matter what you think, if I say you're going to do it, then you're doing it. No questions asked."

Hayato looked away and grumbled something Reborn didn't care enough to decipher. Lambo was too busy having his uniform fixed by Kyoko to rub it in Hayato's face for his minor victory. While Takeshi and Ryohei were grinning like loons off to the side. At the scene, Reborn couldn't help the warmth that filled him.

'Damn. I'm getting soft.' "Now get going, I don't want you demon spawns to be late."

And so, those five brats were off, leaving him alone in his demolished home with peaceful silence.


Please comment and vote on chapters. And if you see any mistakes, feel free to tell me. Thanks for deciding to read it.

Bonne journée!

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