Chapter 21: Café Connections

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Ha, man how long has it been exactly? It's a new year guys, yet I'll probably still be writing 2016 or something. Hope you all enjoyed the holidays, or at least had some nice moments during it. 

So, this was rushed which means I'll be back to edit, yay. Xanxus666 aided me with it, surprising right. Thanks for the continued support everyone.

Disclaimer: I and my buddy don't own squat, besides maybe the plot, dunno.


Reborn arrived at the Shirohige Café an hour before the appointed time. He decided that it'd be in his best interest to get familiar with the area as soon as possible, hence being early. And he may have also done a bit of reconnaissance yesterday, so what. No such thing as being too prepared.

Strangely, the café wasn't located towards the West, in Namimori or Shirimasen, but to the East in Kyoto. Somewhere Reborn assumed Kimura wouldn't (couldn't) enter so freely. Not because of the café itself- certainly an unexpected meeting place- more on the fact that Kyoto was Tijano territory. A well-known yakuza, one of old power, that's on hostile terms with Katsu Kotei.

Settling in the corner of the café near the back entrance, a childish move, but a necessary precaution. Reborn ordered an espresso and kept a watchful eye out as he waited.

Fifteen minutes after two, he noticed both employees running the counter tense, sending each other worried glances. The short female, whose name tag said Haruhi, just straightened and faced the entrance, hands absent-mindedly fixing the display case. The other, a male, pushed his glasses up as he carried on signing what seemed to be paperwork. His name tag read Ritsu, making Reborn stare blankly at them.

For standing at the entrance was Kimura Tsuna. The boy who enjoyed ruining everyone else's day- more like made it his job. Kimura didn't even care that he wasn't welcomed in the café nor that he was in enemy territory. He simply gave a cheeky salute to the employees as he strolled over to the counter.

Haruhi gave a bland smile to the other. "Hello. What would you like for me to get you today?"

Kimura put one of his hands into the pocket of his hoodie while leaning forward, causing the lady to flinch. Reborn's eyes flickered briefly to the teen's hands. Ritsu looked conflicted. Aware that he couldn't do anything against the younger male, but not willing to let the female face the other alone.

Kimura sent a smirk to the male employee. Understanding his plight and mocking him for it before turning his attention to the girl. Ritsu could only glare at the paperwork in his hands.

"Double espresso. Oh and... How 'bout one piece of Raftel cake. Thanks."

Stepping back, he sent a meaningful glance at the phone Ritsu was trying to hide from sight. "I'm here for a little chat," Kimura started with a smile, "It would be a shame if you interrupted it." There was an edge to his tone that made the two shiver and take a shaking step away from the teen.

"Is that a threat?" Surprisingly, the female employee still asked such a question without stuttering.

The teen closed his eyes, smile intact. "I prefer calling it a request you should take under consideration." Kimura then gave them a half-lidded stare, eyes now a burning orange that made the employees hold their breath. "But I suppose it is."

Not even three steps away does he give them a side eyed glance. "You'd do well not to poison anything." With that said, he walked over to Reborn's table. Lips twitching upward as he heard the two behind him try to regain their breath. Reborn's eyes lingered on the teen's gait.

He raised an eyebrow at the boy, having not expected the other to act like that. Kimura responded with his own raised brow.

Inwardly sighing, Reborn decided he didn't need an answer to that question, so he didn't push. At least for now. He was already walking on eggshells, no need to make it worse.

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