Chapter 5: Fellow Criminals

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Disclaimer: Don't own.

P.S. Xanxus666 helped. Btw, I know sometimes my crediting seems like I don't care about Xan, but they are really important to me! We are just... um... asshole best friends.


Tsuna panted lightly. Being forced to run through the backstreets of Namimori like a madman wasn't fun. But! He needed to shake the other off his trail. 'My intuition isn't doing anything, so I guess I lost the shitty bastard. Finally.'

Having lived here his entire life made Tsuna know all the streets in Namimori well. More like the real reason for his familiarity was due to him having to ditch the cops and the demon chairman for years now. Thus, making it quite easy to lose people trying to follow him.

He was currently in one of the few cleaner alleys of the town. It was a couple of blocks away from the building he and the others in Katsu Kotei lived in. Since he had no where to live, he occupied a spare room at their base, so that was the main place to find him. Well... besides when he decides to "visit" the Police Station.

Katsu Kotei was the yakuza Tsuna joined when he was about 9 years old. It had formed 2 years before he got accepted, so it was still new compared to others.

At first, the base had been on the eastern outskirts of Namimori gathering members in secret. Once it got deemed strong enough by the Oyabun, they fought against the Momokyokai-gumi. The local yakuza at the time who ran Namimori.

Of course, Katsu Kotei won. They recruited most of Momokyokai's members besides their boss- who's dead. A bullet through his head. They also killed those who were next in rank by slitting their throats. Using this opportunity, the Oyabun had the base moved to the west.

It wasn't in Namimori, but in the outskirts of Shirimasen. That way the 'Demon Protector' didn't shove his head up their asses with all his discipline shit.

They had placed the base as near as they could to Namimori. Why? To get on the animal freak's nerve obviously. They take great pride in seeing his scowl when he passes by on patrol.

Although Katsu Kotei doesn't have much members unlike other yakuzas. They still aren't a group to be underestimated. It's got a lot of skilled and strong members among their midst. That's why the demon prefect hasn't tried to 'bite' everyone to death. Plus, they weren't in his fucking precious town, so he can't go bitchin' about it to them.

He did try once though, and everybody ended up in a "stalemate". So, in silent agreement, the head prefect and the Oyabun made it that they could not attack each other's head base. Course, anywhere else was free game. It's why they must be cautious of the Disciplinary Committee and the Police when they're out doing their own shit. That's not including other yakuzas who dare to cross into their territory.

Turning another corner Tsuna could finally see the base up ahead. It was nothing special. If you ignore the fact that everything inside of it was either stolen or illegal. He slipped in. Not in the mood to deal with any of the drunken old men and their stupid bitches who were partying inside.

"Hey look, it's Sagi."

"Yo kid. How the fuck did you get out of the cell without causing a commotion? For sure thought they would've sent you off to juvy or something."

Tsuna sighed in annoyance. He then spun around to face the two dick heads with a bored look. "Tachibana. Kasamatsu."

"What? Not gonna answer my question pussy?"

"Don't know."

"What do ya mean ya don't know?"

"Exactly as it means, retard."

"Why you insolent little-"

"Now, now, gentlemen. I'm pretty sure Sagi's tired, so you should leave him alone for now."

Tachibana and Kasamatsu turned to face Kuratchi, better known as the Wakagashira, or first lieutenant of Katsu Kotei.

"O-Of course."

"Sorry S-Sagi."

With that the two of them scurried off to some place Tsuna didn't give a flying fuck about.

"Kuratchi. You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did. Even if you're a kid, you're one of our strongest members, and as such, deserve respect."

Tsuna rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Kuratchi smiled. "Why don't you go to sleep? I'll wake you if anything interesting happens, alright?"

Tsuna snorted in return. He walked over to the stairs leading to the third floor. He maneuvered around any stumbling drunks and took the steps two at a time. He sped down the hall until he reached a door with the number 18 painted on it and let himself in.

Tsuna's room was large yet simple. White walls, zero posters. A wooden desk in the middle of the left side wall, some scattered papers and an orange computer resting on top of it. A door leading to the bathroom right next to the desk. A closet holding all his clothes which honestly wasn't much. He had his bed, a white comforter on it, placed in the uppermost right corner of the room with a huge window beside it. It was a bay window. Tsuna loved to sit on its light blue seat and view the beauty of the sky, which was exactly what he did.

Once settled, Tsuna gave a sad smile up to the darkening sky. 'One of the strongest huh. If only I was this strong back then, I could have been able to save you. I'm so sorry, please forgive me...Okaa-san.'


Pretty boring chapter huh. Well whatever, please give a comment whether it's on this chapter or the previous ones doesn't matter. Oh and please vote on the chapters, it gives me inspiration. Thanks a lot!

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