Chapter 23: School is Hell

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Hello! We have no explanation for our absence. Even worse, school is going to start soon... Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Xanxus666 and I don't own khr.


Tsuna eyed the closed school gates in contemplation. Shrugging, he walked away, hands in his pockets. 'I came. I saw. I left.'

He had no time to react when someone harshly grabbed him by his shirt collar. Forcibly dragging him through the previously shut gates. Tsuna only managed to make choking noises in protest. Hands flailing in a pathetic attempt to break free. Said hands were swatted away like worthless flies.

Resigned to his fate, he pitifully pulled his collar away from where it bit into his throat, hoping to alleviate his discomfort. Of course, he also made sure to drag his heels through the dirt, determined to be as difficult as he could be for the bastard forcing him onto school grounds.

Spite was such a wonderful motivator.

Kyoya's little Boy Toy then entered his field of vision, an apologetic frown on his face. "I apologize on Kyo-san's behalf, Kimura-san. Though, I hope you do recall how strict Kyo-san can be when it comes to breaking the rules."

Tsuna gave him a look of complete disbelief.

"Well, you truly are at fault here, Kimura-san. School started over an hour ago."

Rolling his eyes, he pointedly stared in the direction of Shirimasen.

"Living far away is no excuse. You should get ready earlier if you wish to not go through the same process again."

Deadpanning, Tsuna waved a hand over his breast pocket. And then once more in the direction of Shirimasen.

"We realize, Kimura-san, that you aren't allowed to step foot upon any other school grounds. And it's only thanks to Reborn-san that you've been re-admitted to Nami-chuu. Again, your fault. Despite not being able to go to a school closer to your residence, I'm sure you can arrive on time, you simply chose not to. So please, don't anger Kyo-san even more than you've already have, Kimura-san."

Eye twitching, he gave a huff in begrudging agreement. Boy Toy's composed and polite tone pissed him off, but everything he said was true. As for Hiba-chan, he'd been suspiciously quiet, which made Tsuna slightly nervous, yet at the same time smug. Not a good combination when dealing with Hibari Kyoya.

Once they arrived to where-the-fuck-ever, he was unceremoniously dumped onto a brand-new couch. Unfortunately, he was unable to appreciate the new décor with Hibari looming over him. Arms crossed, eyes narrowed, and a dark look directed at him? What else would demand his immediate attention?

Naughty, Naughty~

"All y'all should be the fuckers rotting in prison, like damn," Tsuna muttered, rubbing his abused neck.

"Herbivore. Don't be late tomorrow."

"Ha...ha...uh.... Good to see you too, Hiba-chan?"


"Sir, yes, sir!" He received a little bundle of cloth to the face for his compliance. Grabbing it, he quickly realized it was a tie. "Err, yeah, no."

Seemingly relaxing, Hibari raised his hand, letting Hibird rest on his index finger. "Part of the uniform, Carnivore."

Peeling his focus from the yellow fluff ball of a bird was difficult, but he managed. "That's nice and all, except ties are dangerous. They kill people."

Hibari gave him an amused look. "Do you not know how to put on a tie."

"What? You don't even have the decency to pose it as a question? Asshole."

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