Chapter 7: Meeting with Bastards

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of KHR. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Is that clear.

P.S.  Xanxus666 was here.


'Knock. Knock.'


"Yo, Sagi. Someone's here for you."


"Dunno. Kuratchi just told me to come get your ass downstairs."

"Fuck. I'll be there soon, tell him to hold up."

Tsuna got up from the window seat and stretched, cracking his back which made him sigh in content. 'Great. Which stupid bastard wants their ass kicked now?"

Tsuna then proceeded to walk out of the comfort of his room. He made sure to lock it and hurried down the stairs to meet up with Kuratchi.

"Didn't know you knew such people in high places, Sagi."

"Your ass must be jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth, Wakagashira."

Ignoring the insult, the older man continued to watch the entrance with a frown on his face. "Be careful out there and don't disrespect the man. Don't know him, but I can tell he's strong. Tread carefully, is that clear. If you need help holler, alright."

Tsuna nodded his head despite his confusion. Managing to not flinch when the other turned around to face him. The older man was searching for something in his eyes and whatever he found did not please him.

"Sagi-" Kuratchi shook his head. "The guy's outside, best not to keep him waiting any longer."

Tsuna stiffly walked towards the door, still feeling the elder man's uneasy stare on his back.

Once the doors closed behind him, Tsuna immediately turned to the right. He saw the outline of what seemed to be two guys. Then again, he didn't have night vision, so he could be wrong.

"Alright. What the fuck do you need?"

"Carnivore, I'll bite you to death."

Tsuna smirked at that, relaxing at seeing a familiar thing, or person. Whatever. "Well, if it isn't the one and only Hibari Kyoya. To what do I owe the pleasure of being in your oh so gracious presence."

That's when the other figure deigned to present himself in all his glory.

Tensing in anticipation, he checked over all possible exits once more. 'What the actual hell, the asshole went to the demon for help."


Cue glare. "Old man."

"Hn. The caretaker carnivore wants to speak with you."

"I know, met the motherfucker earlier."

This incited a growl from Hibari. While Reborn's hands clenched hard enough to make his knuckles stark white.

'Hibari? Protective? Over the hitman? Meaning he knows him on a personal level. A serious achievement right there, only a select few have made it past that cold exterior. Hell, I can count the amount of people on one hand and still have fingers left over."

"You understand the circumstances of what I am here for then."

"People who give a shit are right over there," Kimura said, pointing at nothing.

"Let's make a deal then."

Now this piqued Tsuna's interest, so he beckoned with his hand for Reborn to continue.

"You first have to listen to what I have to say. And let me train you for a while before you decide on anything. If you do so, Hibari agreed to let you have a free card from getting beaten up the next time he happens to catch you. I'll also pull a few strings to let you off from your community service."

'Hm, I already know you've let me off community service old man, so what you playing at? Might as well though, can't let a fucking good chance like this go to waste. Except, why don't I add little extra something to make the deal worth it.'

"Make it two free cards, add a get out of jail card, and you got yourself a deal."

"Carnivore," Hibari said threateningly.

"Fucking take it or leave it."

The two of them glanced at each other before Reborn nodded in agreement. Tsuna rolled his shoulders while walking towards the back of the building. Never letting the two out of his line of sight.

"Alright, follow me."


"Where are we heading you ask? Well Kyo-chan~ I have the perfect place where we can talk. If we stay here, we're going to be overheard by nosy pricks."

Surprisingly, Tsuna's personality did a 180, now having a playful air around him. Somewhat like how he acted when he was with that Police Sergeant.

"Childish Carnivore." Apparently Hibari's personality also changed. About .007 degrees to the... less Hibari side of him which wasn't saying much.

"Oh, you are so sweet Kyo-chan. Giving me a pet name, even if it isn't the only one. You also didn't hit me with a tonfa, does that mean you've finally accepted your feelings for me?"

As soon as he finished saying that, Tsuna had to step to the right to dodge an incoming tonfa. Yet he carried on as if nothing had happened.

"Say, do you prefer Kyo-chan, or demon-chan, or even cutie?"

"None. Now quiet, or I'll bite you to death."

"Ah, but you have so many nicknames for me. So, I wanted to have one for you too. Though, have you ever thought of calling me something with the word omnivore?"

Hibari rolled his eyes at the weird carnivore before him, not even bothering to bring out his tonfas. He already knew it was going to be a waste of his time after all their previous fights. And no, it was not because he had a soft spot for the little carnivore, that was such an herbivorous act.


So in the end it wasn't all that much longer, sorry.  Now I promise the next one will most definitely be the longest chapter I have written so far, alright. Hope you vote on the chapter, give a comment, and add to your reading list. Thanks for reading.

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