Chapter 20

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Percy woke up to the sound of metal dragging on concrete. As he became more woken up he realized he was being dragged and the metal was his chains. He didn't even try to struggle, he knew what the result would be.

'Seriously ur just giving up like that?' Mr. Grumpy asked Percy in his mind.

'Why not if I struggle I get tortured more. I don't see the point in living I've only been a disappointment in life. This is better for everyone maybe they won't get hurt anymore.' Percy replied.

'*sigh* Percy what about Artemis? If you die it'll kill her.' Mr. Grumpy reasoned.

'Who's that I don't remember that name...' Percy trailed off.

'No one Perce nevermind.' Mr. Grumpy said sadly.

Percy noticed that in between his internal debate he had stopped being dragged. He sat up and noticed he was in a rather large room, filled with monsters, rogue gods and demigods.

Needless to say there was a huge army of easily a hundred thousand monsters and other things that wanted to kill Percy.

"Great" he muttered under his breath.

(A/n: read Ends voice with a British accent, cause let's face it all great villians have accents)

"Yes it is rather great isn't it" a voice boomed.

"Um who said that" Percy asked

"Tis I......... The frenchiest fry" the voice said and all the monsters laughed at his corny joke.

"Um well can you tell me who you are and why it sounds like your voice is floating your holy French fryness" Percy sassed.

"Well I see you still have humor, it won't last much longer not once my plan is complete. And my name is End, brother of Chaos son of Time and well I end things basically. And right now I'm simply just a voice with no vessel. My soul is wandering until I can find a body to possess, much like Kronos has done." End said.

"That's nice now do you mind telling me what this master 'plan' is and how I fit into it?" Percy asked

"Well your the most important part to my plan. As I've metioned I need a vessel to possess, and well I've found that person. Since your life force has been drained due to your torturing, well your the perfect candidate" End said with a chuckle.

"Wait what?! I will not be your pawn I refuse!" Percy yelled.

"Pity you have no choice in the matter. Restrain him." End ordered.

Two lagystronian yanked Percy to his feet and dragged him to a wall to be chained up....again.

"Now u might feel a slight bit of pain." End mused.

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