Chapter 21

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After Percy flew away, the campers started yelling and panicking. Artemis however was paralyzed. Questions ran through her mind non stop. Was that really Percy? Why did he looked unharmed? Why did he act so cold? And more importantly, why is he helping Kronos?

"Man, why are we even bothering to train? They have Percy, we've basically already lost the war." A random camper shouted.

Nobody bothered denying it. It was the truth anyways.

"We can't lose hope. We have to at least try. Can't we at least do that, in honor of Percy. He's sacrificed so much for us. We can't just throw that all away!" Thalia shouted.

"Thalias right, were not giving up and we will continue training! Now get some rest, tomorrow will be the right of your lives!" Artemis said and all the campers merely nodded and went to their cabins.

After all the campers had cleared, Chiron walked up to Artemis.

"Hello Chiron. Do you need something?" Artemis asked.

"Yes milady, I wanted to ask you something." Chiron said and Artemis nodded

"Do you know what has happened to Percy, why he's suddenly British and has red eyes?" Chiron questioned.

"Yes I do Chiron, sadly. He has been possessed. Its similar to when Kronos possessed that son of Hermes Luke, except this time, its a more powerful and ancient being. He has been possessed by End." Artemis said quietly.

Chiron gasped and grew pale.

"No it can't be, End was cursed to spend all of time in the Void!" Chiron all but shouted.

"I'm afraid it is. Somehow he has escaped, and i fear the worse outcome. This truly is a war we can't win" Artemis said, already fearing the worse.

"Go, get some rest if you can, even if we can't win this we have to try. For Percy."

Artemus nodded and walked off to her cabin, feeling a whole new sense of fear.

The next morning campers woke up in fear.

Thats the only thing they felt.

Pure fear.

The Gods had transported to Camp Halfblood so they were prepared.

They too had an overwhelming sense of terror.

Something was going to happen. Something big.


Dread washed over Percy in waves. He knew what was going to happen today. And the worst part was he couldn't stop it.

End had complete control over him. He couldn't even twitch a finger if he tried.

"Today's the day! Oh how I have waited for this. After I conquer this world I shall conquer them all. Prepare to watch all that you love perish away dear nephew!" End said to Percy, as they walked towards camp half blood.

'You know you sound like a total cliche right now.' Percy said with a laugh.

"Yeah, well your gonna be thinking cliche when you watch your precious camp burn with everyone in it!" End fired back.

'Dude I don't even have my memories back, how am I supposed to care when I don't even know the people or place?' Percy inquired.

"Oh trust me, you'll have your memories back by then, just in time to watch your beloved moon goddess die by yours truly." End snarled, fed up with the conversation.

Percy didn't say anything back, because he had a feeling that End was speaking the truth.

'Percy I got a bad feeling about this.' Mr. Grumpy said

'Me too Mr. Grumpy, me too.' Percy said with a sense of dread.


After a lot of walking and a lot of internal debates, End and his army reached the outskirts of camp half blood.

"I can already taste the victory, and let me tell you, it tastes pretty sweet." End boasted.

'Why aren't you attacking?' Percy asked.

"I'll give them an hour to prepare, then we attack, but for now we wait." End replied.

'Well why were waiting can I have my memories back.' Percy asked.

"Fine, not like your spirit will be alive much longer anyhow." End said chirply and with that a white orb flew threw the air and into Percy's head, knocking him onto the floor and knocking him unconscious.

A few minutes had passed and Mr. Grumpy walked up to Percy and licked his face, jolting Percy awake.

'Eeew did you have to get slobber on me like seriously!' Percy shouted, wiping his face off.

He stood up and looked around the empty he was in.

An angry look set on his face.

'So that wasn't a dream? End really did take control of me?' Percy asked Mr. Grumpy.

'Sadly yes, but we have a plan, if you remember correctly.' Mr. Grumpy said.

Percy nodded at the wolf and sat down on the floor, thinking about the outcome of this plan, that is if it even worked.

"Ah, I see you finally got over your amnesia, nephew." End teased.

Percy didn't bother to acknowledge him.

"Well it was nice to chat, but right now I have a world to conquer so." End said with an evil laugh.

After he barked a few orders to his servants, End started towards the camps border.

Within minutes he reached his destination.

"Oh what fun this will be!" He said as the campers raced up the hill for the battle of their life time.


So I just started school again and have had a lot of homework, so I haven't had time to update. I don't know if I wanna write a sequel to this book or not, seeing as its almost over. I haven't decided how to end this book yet so. But anyways enjoy!

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