Chapter 9

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Percy pov

When the alarm went off that the camp was under attack i immediately ran out the door. When i reached the hill an empousa stood on the hill with a thousand monsters. "I have came for you Perseus Jackson join us or watch those you love die" she said. "Hmmm i think ill pass thanks though" and with that all Hades broke loose. I was stabbing slashing and hacking at anything tht came near me and wasnt a demigod or hunter. Artemis was by my side killing monster after monster. I was using riptide and my chaos sword tht i decided to call reaper. As i was fighting i could feel a warm sensation flow through me. My hands started to feel like ther were burning so i looked at them to see that they were on fire. It wasnt regular fire though. It was pitch black with a sea green glow to it. I raised my hand and blasted the nearest monster and as soon as it came in contact with the flame the monster exploded. "This is chaos fire that you inhabited wen i blessed you you are the first person ever to be able to use it it is the strongest type of fire and can destroy anything" chaos said. Well then this should be fun. I spread my wings out and took off into the sky but not too high. I let the fire take control and soon both my arms were in flames. I held out my hands and let the fire loose. Monster after monster exploded. It looked like it was raining gold confete. Within seconds the monsters were defeated. A voice rang out in the air " very good Jackson but this isn't even the beginning too bad you didn't join me oh well youll jst perish along with the rest of them" I knew tht voice like my own. It could belong to only one person. Kronos. I flew back down and landed beside Artemis. "Howd you do that" she asked " apparently when chaos blessed me i inhabited something called chaos fire "oh" she said. After all the wounded campers were taking to the infirmary everyone went back to their cabins. Fortunately we didn't have any causalities which is good. I have a feeling were gonna need all the help we can get in this war. I laid back down and fell asleep to have the same dream. Camp was in flames and kronos was laughing manically saying "Olympus will fall and this time you wont be able to stop me Jackson".

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