Chapter Four: And Now Im Covered In The Colors...

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Hey guys sorry for not uploading! I have been very busy lately!!

The picture is of me getting noticed by Joven!!!

The video is my edit that he liked!!

//Song Of The Chapter: Colors by Halsey//


(Noah's POV)

Year - 2015

I wake up with the light blinding me. I move my hand to my table to find my glasses. When I find them, I put them on.

That's better...

I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen to find Ollie cooking breakfast. I walk up behind her and put my arms around her waist gently. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Time for blueberry pancakes!" She says holding up a blueberry with a huge smile. I smile back at her. I let go of her and sit down at my island waiting for food. She laughs putting some pancakes down in front of me. I smile up at her.

"It's the least I could do for you buying me a lot of things yesterday!" She says sitting down beside me as I start to eat.

"You deserve it after what you have been through in the last few years!" I say putting my hand on her knee smiling at her.


(Ollie's POV)

Year - 2015

I let out a sigh as more memories come forward as Noah's hand lands on my knee.


I walk into the house with a smile playing on my lips.

Today I tried out for a new part in a short series called Lollypop Dreams which is about a girl who is like addicted to candy. It fits me.

I walk into the living room to find Seb watching The Walking Dead.

"Hey baby!" I say waving to him. He smiles at me. I sit down beside him on the couch.

"Can you get me a beer!?" Seb asks me putting his hand on my knee. I smile getting up just as I fall head first on the floor with laughs following behind.

"Bitch.." Seb whispers returning his attention to the tv. I get up realizing I am bleeding.

This will be a long night...

*Flashback Over*

I get up from the floor realizing I fell out of my chair and onto the floor. I turn to see Noah beside me with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay? You blacked out!" Noah says frantically. He helps me up.

"I'm sorry, I'm fine! Just a flashback.." I say sitting back down.

"Ollie we need to get you into therapy!" Noah says holding my hand. I nod.



(Anthony's POV)

Year - 2015

My phone vibrates so I pick it up.

"Hey?" I ask the caller.

"Hey Anthony! It's Noah! I'm bringing a friend around today! Is that fine?" Noah says.

"It's totally fine!" I say hanging up the phone.

I wonder who he is bringing...


I hear the main door to the office open and find Noah entering with a small female behind him. I walk over waving to them both. They smile at me.

"Hey guys!" I say to them both holding out my hand for the female. "I'm Anthony!"

"I'm Ollie!" The girl says I take her hand kissing the top of it gently. She blushes as she pulls away her hand.

"What are we filming today?" Noah asks me.

"I think we are filming a new sketch? Maybe an Every Blank Ever?" I say as we walk to the offices. They both follow me and I gain a smile thinking about Ollie..

Anthony! You have Kalel?!

I push the feelings I have away as I try to focus on better things, this week's Smosh Video..


(Noah's POV)

Year - 2015

I growl as I watch Anthony kiss Ollie's hand.

Do I like Ollie and doesn't Anthony have his Fiancé Kalel?

I shake off my thoughts.

"What are we filming today?" I ask him to break the silence. He sighs turn to me.

"I think we are filming a new sketch? Maybe an Every Blank Ever?" He says as we walk to the offices. We follow him intently. I walk to my desk and watch as Ollie follows me. Soon I hear laughing to see Courtney and Shayne walk into the room. They wave to me.

"Hey Noah and Stranger!" Courtney says.

"Oh that's Ollie." I say standing up. They all smile.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Courtney and this is Shayne, my boyfriend." Courtney says.

Wait, they are dating since when??



Sorry for taking so long to update but trust me guys! It's worth it.

I'm planning to make new covers tonight so they will be up tomorrow!

Never Can Get Enough // Noah Grossman FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now