Chapter Twelve: Getting The Job I Have Wanted and Scripts To The Face

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This is gonna be a long chapter!

/ hopefully it will /

Sorry for not updating as normally I would.

The picture is of Noah and the video is the newest squad vlog!!


(Noah's POV)

Year - 2015

"Come on, lets go inside!" I say happily getting out of the car with Ollie following not far behind. We both enter going straight for the conference room we use usually for a set and sometimes for actual conferences. We walk in spotting Ian and Anthony, along with Sunny, Olivia, Shayne and Keith. I smile telling Ollie to sit and see what the surprise I have been holding all morning since she woke up...

She's always wanted this job since I have known her and now she is actually getting it because of me.. Her boyfriend..

I watch her as she answers questions from each of them.

"Would you be available anytime?" Ian asks. She nods.

"Would you feel comfortable with flying?" Olivia asks. She nods again.

"Are you okay with having an office with me, Shayne, Noah, Courtney and Olivia?" Keith asks.

"Yeah, it'd be nice!" Ollie says smiling.

"Do you like coffee?" Shayne asks. Ollie nods.

"Final question, are you okay with punishments?" Anthony asks. She nods. I watch as everyone, including me, excitedly smile because Ollie got the job.

"Ollie!" I turn to her, "You got the job!!" I say happily. She smiles with shock.

"You mean I got the job of my dreams?!?" I hear her ask us. We all nod smiling. I get up and give her a gentle hug as everyone joins in right behind me surrounding her in warmness.


(Ollie's POV)

Year - 2015


After getting embraced in hugs by the crew, Noah took me to see my new desk. When I saw it, it was kinda bland, so I decided to go desk shopping with Olivia since Noah didn't want to go.

We arrived to Office Max first, looking around at what I could get.

"How about this?" Olivia asks holding up a galaxy mouse pad. I nod as she puts it in our cart. We move on throughout the store getting both stuff for my desk but the others too because why not add some more color to the workspace. We finish in a couple hours and go back to the office to set up everything.

I got Noah a little cow to add to his desk, Shayne I got him some paper and pencils since he told me he needed some, I got Courtney a stapler since I overheard that she needed it. Olivia got a lot of stuff for her desk. She also got Keith a new charger since he asked her to before we left.

We walk into the office seeing Noah and Keith messing around with the chairs but Noah doesn't look to good. I put the bags down and pull him aside, while the others leave the room.

I watched as Noah paced around the office. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong? You didn't look to good when me and Olivia got here.." I ask him. He finally stops pacing to answer my question.

"Stressing about a shoot I have Saturday for a new show... it's my show.." He says as he starts to pace again like he was before.

"Congrats and what is it about?" I question.

"Me and my eating habits.." He responds still pacing around the room.

"Calm down Noah!" I say standing up and putting my arms on his, stopping him from pacing anymore.

That's when it hit him.. LITERALLY.. The script for his new show hit him in the face..

I let out a small chuckle.

"Owh! Sunny!?!" He yells out rubbing his head gently. I smile at him.

"Are you okay?!" I ask Noah and he shakes his head.

"Do you really think I'd feel okay after Sunny just hit me in the head with a script?!?" He sighs.

"No...?" I say hiding my face.

"That's what I thought!!" He responds, "I'm sorry for yelling Ollie!"

"It's fine Noah! I promise..." I say reassuring that everything is alright. We both smile as Olivia and Keith come back in the room to /try to/ help me destress Noah for his new show.



Sorry I haven't been updating like I feel like I should. Haven't had time. This week is Exam week for me so I have to focus on that but if I ever have time (currently writing this after my Chemistry Exam) I will write because in my Creative Writing class I have been writing more for the story in my journal (when Noah got hit with a script is from my journal) so look forward to seeing more drama and stuffff!

See you guys in the next update!

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