Chapter 10

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"Hey! Wanna hang out with us?" Asked the blonde girl, Mary.

"I guess." I said with a sigh.

There were three other girls too. Another blonde girl named Diane, a brunette named Judy, and a girl with jet black hair named Bonnie.

"Well, we're going to my house. Do you need to clarify with your mother first?" She asked smiling.

I laughed and they all just looked at me with blank stares.

"No?" I said frowning at them. They were so weird.

"Anyways, what's your name?" Asked Mary. She was the leader of their little pack.

"Nancy." I said sighing. We went to school together since kindergarten and not one of them knew my name.

"I'm Mary, this is Diane, this-" I cut her off quickly.

"I know who you guys are." I said narrowing my gaze at them.

Mary shared glances with her friends and they all giggled.

"That didn't sound creepy at all." Mary said tossing her hair behind her.

"We've only been going to school together since, I don't know kindergarten? Maybe if you got your heads out of your asses long enough to see what's happening around you, you would have known my name too." I said crossing my arms.

At my cursing, and insulting remark I guess too, their jaws dropped.

"Well, we're just going to pretend we didn't hear that." Mary said with the chuckle. The rest of the girls nodded.

"Fine." I said smirking at them.

"Okay. Let's go!" Mary said snapping and making her way off the field.

The boys often talked about these girls. They said they all had nice boobs. I crinkled my nose at the thought. Guys were so weird. Mine had barely started growing. But this topic is awkward, back to the story.

"Is that William's jacket?" Asked Bonnie as we all got onto our bikes.

"Yeah." I said making them all squeal. I stared at them confused. "It's just a jacket." I said rolling my eyes and shoving it into the basket.

"It means he's totally in love with you." Diane said with a giggle as we all mounted our bikes.

I shook my head and didn't answer.

We rode to Mary's house. It was a huge mansion on the rich side of town.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed looking up at he house as we parked our bikes in the drive way.

"Watch your language!" Mary snapped quickly. "If my father hears that he'll have me and you in deep trouble!" She continued saying you like I was a dead skunk on the side of the road.

I rolled my eyes as we made our way inside. The girls all stopped in the entry way and took off their shoes. Deciding it was better to just follow along, I did the same.

"Come on." Bonnie said with a smile. While I was taking off my shoes they had already made it halfway up the stairs.

I followed along quickly trying to take in everything.

We made our way into a huge bedroom that was basically as big as my living room and kitchen put together.

"Wow." I said looking around. Mary had a huge bed with a canopy and a big bay window. Her closet was about the size of my bedroom.

"Nice right?" Mary asked watching me. Then she looked me up and down.

"Hey! Why not let us give you a make over!" She said with sparkling eyes.

"I don't know-" I said but thy all grabbed me and forced me into the chair in front of a huge mirror.

"Bonnie, Diane, you guys go pick out an outfit for her. Judy and I will do the make up." Mary said smiling at me.

I stared at myself in the mirror.

"First we gotta get this outta here." Mary said picked my hat up off my head like it had fleas and flicking in across the room.

Judy started to brush my hair and I just kinda stared at myself. Then they started to get to work.

They put on all the typical make up stuff I guess. Blush, mascara, lipstick. They twisted the two front pieces and pinned them back and out of my face.

I squinted at myself in the mirror. I actually looked, decent.

"You look so beautiful!" Mary squealed causing the other two girls to run over and squeal. Soon it sounded like someone was getting murdered.

"Mary come see what we picked out." Diane said with a grin. They all went away and more squealing was done. I sighed to myself.

"I should be playing baseball right now." I said taking a deep breath.

"Hey Nancy get back here!" Mary called. I stood up and made my way to the closet.

They had picked out a light blue skirt to just above my knees and a white blouse to go along with it. Also a pair of white flats.

"You want me to wear that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course silly!" Mary said laughing. "Go put it on!" She said shoving the stuff into my arms.

I made my way to the bathroom, which Mary had her own by he way, and started I change. I changed carefully and looked in the mirror for a second.

"This is the stupidest thing I've ever done." I said shaking my head.

"DID YOU FALL INTO THE TOILET?" Mary called making the girls all giggle.

I rolled my eyes but smiled and walked out. I got another earful of squealing girls. This time I covered my ears.

They stopped and I actually saw what was happening. They weren't squealing just at me, someone was in the tree just outside he window and was knocking on it.

"They're here!" Mary said with a giggle.

"Whose here?" I asked making my way over to them.

"The boys, duh!" Bonnie said rolling her eyes annoyed.

The first to climb in was Bruce Holmes, the kid who tried to beat me up at the game. Another boy named Frank. Then Paul, then Steve, and of course Phillips. He had his coat under his arms.

I groaned and smacked my hand to my forehead. Idiot. I said in my head.

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