Chapter 13

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"Phillips!" I yelled pounding on the door and ringing the doorbell as many times as I could.

I knew he was there, his bike was parked right next to his garage.

The door opened and I jumped back to see Mr. Phillips.

"Hello Mr. Phillips." I said with a smile.

"Hi Nancy, what can I do for you?" He asked looking me up and down slightly annoyed.

"Is Ph- Will, here?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Yeah come in." He said stepping back so I could enter.

I walked inside and slipped off my shoes. I recognized Phillips white converse by the rest of the shoes by the door.

"His room is upstairs and the room all the way at the end of the hall." Said his dad walking away from me and into some other room.

"Thanks." I said examining the giant house. It wasn't a little smaller than Mary's, but still huge compared to mine.

I walked up the dark, wooden steps and followed the hall down the the very last door. A sign on the door said "stay out."

I rolled my eyes and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He said in an innocent voice.

I swing his door open and entered, slamming it quickly and standing against it.

Phillips was facing the other way while reading some stupid sports magazine and sitting in a chair.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned to me and his eyes got wide.

"Where's old Rodriguez?" He asked smirking and getting to his feet.

"Where's my hat?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I asked you first." He said coming closer.

"Outside, waiting for me." I said narrowing my gaze at him.

"Bull shit. You're completely alone. We must have roughed him up pretty good." He said grinning.

"Go screw. Give me my hat." I said clenching my teeth together.

"Only if you apologize." He said motioning to my hat on the dresser on the other side of the room.

"Me apologize!?" I gasped making him smirk again. "What the hell did I do?!"

"You punched me and that's unfair because I'm not supposed to hit a girl." He said smirking more.

"In your dreams would I ever apologize for that." I said starting to walk towards it.

"I guess you don't get the hat then." He said stepping out in front of me.

"Fine." I said trying to make a sad face. It wasn't hard to do because I was almost crying in anger.

"Good, wanna have a soda look at some baseball cards or something?" He asked causing me to drop my jaw. Phillips made his way over to the baseball cards and started to shuffle through them and explain them.

He figured I would just let it go? After what he did to me, then to Benny, then to me again? My rage took over again I clenched my fists.

What was more important, losing to an enemy or a hat that means the world to me. They were both important to me.

So I ran for it. I made it to the dresser and grabbed the hat before he cut me off. I was between the bed and the dresser and he was getting closer.

"Okay Sawyer. You're asking for it. I don't care if you're a girl." He said lunging at me.

Like I said earlier. I'm pretty fast. I launched myself onto his bed, rolled across it, got up on be other side and tore out of his room slamming the door on him. I scrambled down the steps and slid my shoes on as fast as I could.

"What's all that noise?" Asked Mrs. Phillips now, standing next to the stairwell with a load of laundry.

"See ya!" I said putting my hat on and saluting Phillips as he stumbled after me. I ran out the front door and got onto my bike, then I started pedaling. I pedaled faster than I ever had before. I looked behind me once to see if he was following, he wasn't.

I sighed in relief and slowed down to catch my breath and try to calm down a little. He was really gonna be mad after this little stunt I pulled.

I rode slowly towards home trying to think of an excuse of what happened to me.

As I pulled into my driveway I saw an unfamiliar grey car parked in front of my house. At first I figured maybe it was Mr. Stevenson's, but he had a way different car.

I rode up next to the car and looked in the window. Nothing unusual about it.

I let my bike fall into the grass by the pathway up to the front door. I sighed getting ready for a scream fest but right when I opened the door I heard laughter and talking.

"Mom?" I asked stopping by the door before making my way towards the kitchen. The house went quiet and I heard someone get up from a chair.

My mom was almost to the living room when I stopped dead in my tracks. A man was sitting at my dining table. A man that wasn't my father. How could my mom do this. All the day's events sort of combined and I started to trembled, my fists were already wadded up, and the tears were growing fast in my eyes.

"Now Nancy just-" said my mom stepping closer. The man just stared at me with huge eyes and a fork full of turkey stuffed in his mouth.

I shook my head and turned towards the front door. It all happened in a big blur. One moment I was pushing open my front door, the next I was flying down the sidewalk on my bike, and finally I found myself sitting in the gangs treehouse crying to myself.

How could she do it? How could she just pretend dad was never part of us? How did she think I felt about this?

The more the questions came to mind the more upset I got. I payed on the floor of the treehouse clutching my hat close to my body and sobbing. Then before I knew it, daylight was streaking through the window and three boys were whispering over top of me.

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